I’m looking for a bit of help with the noise I’m encountering on my 2007 Specialized Allez Comp (I know I’m due for an upgrade). It’s been a faithful bike and I’ve taken good care to get tune ups, etc. However, this noise started occurring when going downhill or at higher speeds while coasting. It stops when I begin pedaling. I can’t tell if it’s something with the chain tension or if there’s an issue with the rear hub. Anyone heard this before? It’s annoying as hell!

    Loud Screeching when Coasting at High Speed
    byu/Money_Story_8933 inbikewrench

    by Money_Story_8933


    1. PM_ME_SQUANCH on

      I hope to still be riding my current bike in 17 years, upgrades can take a hike.

      Sounds fucky though

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