Hey everyone,

    I'm in the market for a new fun commuter bike and could use some advice. I live close the service center(1km), so getting a Canyon bike would be really convenient for me.

    Currently, I ride a 2020 Scott Addict disc , size large (56 ) for sport riding. I'm considering getting a Griz 5l in either large or medium. I want to fit it with panniers to carry my stuff, aiming for a fun yet practical commuter bike.

    I've been looking at the Grizl 5, but I'm a bit confused about the sizing. I want the new bike to fit me as well as my Scott does.

    Does anyone have experience with the Grizl 5 or similar bikes? How does the sizing compare to the Scott Addict? Any advice on which size I should go for and stem.

    Thanks in advance!

    Picture :added my bike fit
    Side question: What is my stack and my reach in that picture?

    by tekkaaah

    1 Comment

    1. There is no stack and reach in that picture, however there is reach+ (3) and something close to stack+ (4), which you can compare with the Canyon sizing in the charts.

      I also suggest comparing geometries with [www.bike-stats.de/en](http://www.bike-stats.de/en)

      PS: What is LF in the title?

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