I’m very new to bmx, about a week and a half to 2 weeks. I learned how to hop bar on my 4th or 5th day of riding and was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to stop throwing my bars with 2 hands and either bus it or just throw it. Also threw in the 2nd clip cuz it was my first feeble ever. Any tips on the bars would be appreciated.

    Barspin tips?
    byu/Zestyclose_Lab7392 inbmx

    by Zestyclose_Lab7392


    1. T2_Beanie297 on

      When you throw your bars keep your catching hand (left hand) down by your waist and reach towards your right to catch the bar earlier. This will make them a lot more consistent and easier. I wouldnt try throw bars until you get the busses on lock though. Your progression is really good for being a beginner though 🔥

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