While I was cycling on a flat road, 20kph give or take. This bike is used solely for road cycling. Has been for the last 5 years or so (approx 5 years old).

    Has anyone had anything similar happen? I can’t quite believe my eyes. Must be a manufacturing defect!?

    Also: what bikes and brands should I consider next? Budget £2k absolute max, ideally between £1k and £2k. Cycling to work mostly (30 mins each way, roads with pot holes). The odd trip away. The odd weekend ride. All road cycling.

    by jevawin


    1. Oh, internal routing, the product of the unholy brainstorm of Satan and the marketing department.

    2. Did you buy this bike new? A lot of companies ive a lifetime warranty on frames. A lot of actually good bike companies, that is. If this is some kind of cheapo walmart esc bike, then you’ll probaly need a new bike indeed.

    3. schrodngrspenis on

      I had a specialized with a paint chip near an internal route. I kept sweating into the hole, and it rusted out inside the tube. Snapped right at the route. I was going very alow when it cracked, though.

    4. dssd3434343422242424 on

      if you are looking for a new bike just know, steel *is* real

      i assume this is a aluminium bike, which is not real.

    5. Dry-Statistician3145 on

      I recommend decathlon grvl 520 if you have a decathlon near you

    6. 60 miles per day commute is a fair number of miles. Get a steel frame bike for the greatest longevity.

    7. Feisty_Park1424 on

      I’ve seen alu, steel, carbon and ti frames fail at internal routing holes like this. You can sometimes tell where the crack has started, if it’s been there a while the material will be dirty from corrosion and wear. It’ll get progressively cleaner as you get further forward in time. Sometimes a crack progresses quickly and it all looks clean.

      I wonder if on this frame the cable guides were added at a butt in the tube?

    8. It’s hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like the crack originated at the back of the routing hole and had been there creeping for a while before it finally failed. The crack face is black there.

    9. Have a look at Planet X. I own two of their bikes and really enjoy them.

    10. The same shit happened with my aluminum frame. In the same place, between holes on frame for transmission cable. That was commuter bike, only road riding, and 5 years of use.

    11. samuraijon on

      so you were just cycling along, did you hit a bump on the road and the whole thing just gave way?

    12. analogjuicebox on

      You should post this on /r/BikeWrench to see if it’s still rideable.

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