Proud of my city, Plano, TX, after updating road, they added protected bike lane, I hope this continues.

    by withaph64


    1. Wow, I lived in Plano once a long time ago; probably the most car-centric place I have ever lived, just stroads every where in all directions. Good to see.

    2. Pittsburgh_Photos on

      Looks like it will become a protected car parking lane if they don’t put up some bollards at the entrance to the bike lane.

    3. That’s actually looks like a pretty nice bike lane. Good drainage, should be easy to keep clean, enough space, good sight lines when going quick. 

    4. Sufficient_Salad3783 on

      Ever hit one of those rubber suckers by accedent? I’d rather take my chances with cars.

    5. Wonderful_Tackle_579 on

      Plano! I and probably many others hope the same. The infrastructure and road improvements are under-appreciated … Especially with Parks & Recreation. I can’t wait until all the roads are resurfaced and updated.

    6. VegasAdventurer on

      I’m trying to convince my city council people that we should have protected, two-way bike lanes in front of the elementary schools. It’s a tough process so far

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