No more bike lanes = it’s ok to endanger others for your convenience.

    by johnfoley77


    1. Hmmmm…. Let me guess who’s the Democrat and who’s the Republican.

    2. Swallowthistubesteak on

      That’s a horrible way to slogan even if I didn’t ride bikes

    3. versus_gravity on

      “Until the community is engaged.”

      Oh, that’s a good one, but I suppose what it really means is maximizing the number of people to grouse about it.

    4. Deep-Virus-849 on

      Wtf?! I hate bike lanes but they should definitely be there. I ride a bike all day for work and it’s just to dangerous in my city, if your going fast all day. Would never vote to do sway with them or for anyone trying to do so.

    5. sharkov2003 on

      She does look like the kind of person that has never used any transportation other than cars

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