1. Could be a number of things for instance my fingers go numb when I sleep with my chin down as my neck pinches a nerve in that position. Are you putting weight on your hands, if so try engaging your core muscles to carry some of your upper body weight.

    2. Those wings on your bars may need to get rotated to point higher than you may think. You want them to support your palm with your wrist straight, rather than be a platform to lean on

    3. Fun_Apartment631 on

      First thing I’d look at is a more upright riding position. You can do that by moving your stem up in its spacer stack, flipping it up, or getting a shorter or higher-angled model.

    4. Could be one of these things: Leaning too far forward putting too much torso weight on the bars, death gripping your handlebars, having any medical condition that makes circulation to the hands poor, not moving your hands for long periods of time. If you “shake” out the numbness after a while it helps. Then keep riding.

      I forgot to add: gloves with too much padding in them get me like this every time.

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