Migratio Avium – A Tale of Birds and Bikes

    Bird bird bird, bird is the word.
    But birds and mountain biking? Where’s the connection there?
    Much like birds, we seasonally flee the wintery cold from our home turf, Switzerland. So on our lastest mountain bike trip to the south of France we did exactly that.

    Cheers to:

    The sponsors:
    ElTony Mate

    The man behind the lens:
    Andoni Lopez

    The Riders:
    Michelle Neuner

    Follow me:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vitor.buchli/
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vitor.buchli?_t=8m7U9cawmEB&_r=1

    Thanks for watching and if you’ve made it this far, go comment “A Gurk” in one of my latest posts on Instagram

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