Join me for day 3 riding with Cafe Ciclista based in Denia, Spain. Some stunning scenery, great weather and good company…but it nearly broke me!

    Strava Ride Link

    [Applause] good morning welcome back to the channel living track or cycling today is day three the third and final day of riding here in the Valencia uh area of Spain it’s uh just after 9:00 in the morning 23 1/ 12° and the ride today uh is distance-wise uh 53 54 M and just over 3 and a half th000 ft of climbing so steady uh not a hard day B any track to the imagination um but uh again I’ve got to contend with that heat so we’re just leaving base camp uh and we are cycling towards denya to H CFE cyclista [Music] [Music] F the blocks half a mile rid 32 mph good job it’s downhill [Music] [Music] good job footage over these three videos uh you the viewer will have seen will’ll be me filming Darren from behind and there’s a reason for that number one Darren is the ride leader is the guide Narin is the road Captain number two it’s always a struggle for me to hold his wheel because at the end of the day he is a professional uh bike rider and he’s a beast of a bik rider as well so it’s a very rare occasion indeed that uh when I film this clear space I know down in front of [Applause] me okay so we’ve arrived in da where uh our base is Cafe cyclista see clist [Applause] we’re uh 20 seconds away from [Applause] it and there she is [Applause] mate ready Riders so that’s it we’re off uh the group ride on a Sunday Morning has started I would say it’s a group of about 20 of us just leaving uh uh the Cy now and heading out into the sunshine okay right update we’re 52 minutes 53 minutes into the ride it’s 25 past uh 10: in the morning our Pelon is a group of about 20 which is a nice size group and I’ve just dropped back from the uh second row towards the back so I can capture the group size uh so you can get a better idea of the Dynamics of what we’re riding with today um fairly flat so far we haven’t really hit any Hills 404t of climbing 26.7 de and uh We’ve traveled just over 16 miles kilometer conversion I’ll put up on the screen hello the footage that I’ve just recorded of the gentleman to my right uh that gentleman’s name is Hugh and I’ve just been having a a very nice chat with h uh who tells me that he’s uh he’s on the mainland uh for 2 months and he’s uh a month into that two-month period he’s from the Newcastle area you said Hugh he’s from Newcastle and uh you’re riding quite regularly whil you’re out here sorry you’re riding quite regularly while you’re out here yeah and five times a week H ladies and gentlemen of YouTube land you’ll be impressed is 88 years of age isn’t that impressive uh I take my heart off to Hugh Sho sir he was telling me he’s got eight Club mates arriving at Al alante at Air Force in about an hour so 88 years of age ladies and gentlemen and he’s riding with a young pup like me most [Applause] impressive y our first little clim today another me pimple in the road a distance of 4K from that little bridge and an average gradient of ah well the average is only short uh slim because of the it was flat at the beginning so it’s only 4% this is seven now as a pick around the corner corers otherwise it’s quite far this takes us into the H Valley uh there’s a frying man an Iron Man a raisin man whatever you want to call him on the right soon we’re taking a picture of CH man chipan man uh yeah basically he’s got grapes in a basket and he’s making the the raisins [Applause] [Applause] one he guys let’s not block the road please chatting okay A little bit of a ride update uh 1 and 1 half hours into the ride 1 minute 26 it is 11:00 a.m. [Applause] Darren did say this section of door is a little bit bumpy but look at that view ahead did he say the hon Valley on all the vines on the plane on the Flatland I think that’s what he said oh and I still can’t see a single Cloud not a single cloud in the [Applause] sky whereas I’m sure the clouds back home or the sky back home will be full all of them what a pretty [Applause] view yea if that’s how you pronounce it stop sign ahead 1 15 M that’s Darren filming me filming Darren next left [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay so this is the uh the village of e be beautiful Square in the right and a lovely tapas bar really worth up here and then if you go left here we’re not going to turn take a look that oh all the flowers the plants yeah yeah beautiful so we’re now on the bottom slopes of the burnier that’s correct Aron isn’t it yes the ber 10K climb yep and Darren was saying average gradient of it’s 4% but don’t be fo with that the reason it’s average is car it flattens out the yeah yeah so yeah so we do it’s basically a horseshoe and the top well a flat horse you you shap like and the top the top flat part is where we ride adjacent to Sierra theia it’s a beautiful rdge it’ss out like a razor blade temperature wise 32.2 de so it’s it’s picking up and uh with a few K into the climb and uh I’m out the back strong group okay 6K to the top and I was just commenting to Darren at uh the there were two groups that went from base this morning Cafe cista the fast group and this group and this group is the slow group and I thought I might COPE in this group but no it’s all relative and it’s a strong Bunch you Riders some have already broken off but uh 6K to go to the top of this climb and the only way that I’m going to get there is to uh tap it out uh to within my limits not going into the red nice bit of shade here keeping that har Sun away [Music] we’re not at the top of the climb this is the flat bit this is a little bit of Ras bite on the way up which I’m taking full advantage of why because I need it another 5K to go let’s not kid [Applause] ourselves all the youngsters and the people and [Applause] ahead unas I can’t can’t even claim the title fat lad at the back because I’m not particularly fat skinny kid still at the [Applause] back today is day three for me it’s day three in the Heat and I struggled day one I struggled a little bit more day two and I’m disappointed to report I’m struggling even more day three but there’s still blue skies still Sunshine they’re still good company and there’s still nice scenery so as somebody once said to me don’t concentrate on the pain and the suffering be distracted by the beauty that’s around you sorry Darren thought I was referring to him then I have no doubt there he is look giving me company chewing me up God bless him I can see you’ve got a new sponsor ontto is that a Japanese company ontto oh no onto I’ve had many dad jokes over the last three days although the best one was when we were on the rates I’d say at the top but it’s a halfway point and Darren told Mark and I to stand in a particular spot marked by a big AG I hadn’t realized and then as he moved us off he said you’re actually standing on a helicopter landing pad you Chopper so that was the bad best dad joke that I’ve had so far so far 3K from the top Mercury is just about to tip up over it’s just done it now 34° been riding for 2 hours 7 minutes um 2332 foot of climbing gradiance is currently 6% where we are and it is 22 midday this is a stunning climb uh I wouldn’t describe it as brutal although because of my fatigue I’m feeling brutalized but that’s a conditioning issue uh alone but you know there’s nice scenery there’s more than one area of rest bite where you can rest and catch your breath uh and I’ve needed that today [Applause] um put the burn here oh it’s certainly a nice ride nice climb all right yeah F not many cars past us at all those two that have just come past us are the exception so far A Quiet [Applause] Road you’re pleasingly left to suffer uh in peace and quiet not disturbed by the internal combustion engine last kilometer maximum 8% gradient average five [Applause] hurah look at those mountains ahe aren’t they beautiful I’ve only got enough just enough strength to look up and admire them I’m pretty cooked and that’s the top the top of the burn here 620 M spectacular view as the ride leader comes past us beautiful and that’s the direction that we’re going I better get my skates on they’ll be complaining [Music] my hand open my eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what hopefully you can see it behind me uh the pan on Rock uh in KP uh otherwise known as the shark tail shark’s fin well I look like a it certainly looks like a shark’s fin doesn’t it hopefully you can pick that up on camera so cool another future that has to be one of the most spectacular views I have ever seen so in the distance you’ve got Cumbre Del you see the bump with the m some over on the left over here right over there yeah oh yeah in the in far distance yeah yeah the M on the ridge there yeah Kum Del Summit of the Sun that translates to it’s um and the Welter races up there regularly it’s brutal to say the least Pig of a climb yeah look at that view I hope to God that camera on my chest is picking that up [Applause] just pulling into Bona now Daren was telling me a very vibrant town where they love their fiestas and this is the town where our coffee stop is is that right no no that’s not right coffee stops a bit further away let get the camera up yeah it’s rolling here she is look how feeling oh I’ve seen her yeah a is she only from the lamp post there when you get her in perfect line all right we’re going to go stopping in the next Cafe on the corner so be careful okay I’m sitting now with uh Susan one of the ladies on today’s ride um um and I think um from the cafe this morning were at least four ladies on the on the on the ride this morning um uh on the first steep climb up Susan was a demon left me for dead I was quite quickly out of the back uh like a mountain GOI was gone in the distance Susan very kindly agreed to give me 60 seconds of a time um just so I can uh fire a few few questions um about uh uh her experience uh cycling in this area so far so thank you Susan we’re grateful for your time wow that’s very close it’s well it it it might seem close but you still look far away in don’t worry and once we finish recording it I’ll let you have a little look at the clip so you can see how you look on camera does that make sense I don’t know if I want to see okay um so um right then Susan thank you I suppose the first question that I’m going to fire your way is um um how long you’ve been uh in country locally on the cycling trip ah so I’ve been here this is my sixth day of riding okay so I’m here on a week’s holiday so sadly I go home tomorrow okay so I’ve got tired legs today um have you ridden uh each and every day I’ve ridden every day I’m training for an event in Portugal for a month’s time I’m doing the end to end so impressive and that and that’s and that’s what from one end of the country to the other it is indeed is that is that um uh I don’t know how you pronounce it odx no it’s just an event seven days Portugal a lot of climbing yeah seven days are you looking forward to that obviously I’m training for that and yeah I wish you the best of luck for that thank you very much okay um have you ridden uh in the area of denya or around have you based yourself from that previously no this is my first time to denya uh so a friend of mine and also um guy who runs our local club and he’s also a coach Tony Williams flam rouge. J nice plug there for you Tony he um he’s he’s been coming out here from the last six years uh so I thought I’d come out and try it cuz he’s yeah he’s doing the brexit thing three months at a time so it was on Tony’s recommendation that you you came to to this particular area yes it is okay and um you’ve in the time that you’ve been here you were telling me earlier on B yourself uh correct me I get this wrong entirely with Cafe cista uh so our hotel is just down the road from Cafe cista uh we went out with them on Thursday we went out with the fast boys and um yeah impressive for retired expats they certainly handed it to us on a plate tell me what um in particular if anything have you enjoyed about cycling in this region the sunshine it’s gorgeous isn’t it it is beautiful it is gorgeous and the roads they’re in really good condition uh once you get out of denya which is quite built up lots of cars as soon as you get out of Dena it’s stunning really good roads Darren was telling me um I’ve never cycled on the mainland before I’ve cycled several times in newor and a few of the roads Darren took me on in the first two days he pointed out that they were likely to be much quieter and from my perspective they were than the roads in New York would be at this time of year and they were so they were really quiet roads so it had the weather it has the scenery it does it has the smooth s mark it do but many of the roads that he’s taken me on so far were considerably quieter than the roads in new yor as well which I was uh surprised by the other thing that I love is the orange blossom that you can really smell it’s beautiful yeah and I suppose last question um in relation to the services offered by Cafe cyclista and last question TI and last question I suppose um uh the CAA would you D’s always telling me off for pronouncing that wrong um would you recommend um uh that business to others thinking of coming to the area 100% 100% really warm welcoming great rides Darren’s a great leader he is isn’t he his professionalism comes across and uh uh he likes to I don’t want to use the word reprimand he educates me on a regular basis yeah yeah yeah yeah Susan thank you very much for your time I can see them getting ready now so we best get our skates on okay let’s go okay back on the road again as you can see uh that was the coffee stop we’ve just had uh 30 40 minute break uh caon Ley for me lemon Fanta and the usual which is uh a crispy baguette type thing with tuna and tomato [Applause] 46 mile done as the bike sat in the sunshine of the cafe stop uh 42 deges the Old Mercury says and this is now the uh Homewood leg back to base lovely smooth tarm mark on the Wheel [Applause] just waiting for my heart rate to lower a little bit so I can provide commentary which is actually understandable uh ride time 3 and 1/2 hours temperature 36.3 scorchio uh 51.5 mile done 10 to 2 in the afternoon 3,500 and 9t of climbing done the ride so far has been tough for me personally [Music] the group that I’m out with today even though it’s classified as the slower I didn’t say slow slower group from Cafe cista they’re still stronger every last one of them than I am which is why they’re currently several yards ahead up this gentle climb that we’re currently on uh the fatigue the um that I’ve accumulated over the last two days is catching up with me plus the heat these my excuses and uh it’s too much for me to hold that wheel so You’ got to ride within your own limits otherwise you’ll fall off nobody wants to fall off anyway uh Brian just said to me gentleman Cole Brian uh this is the last climb before we get back to uh Cafe cista where hopefully everybody will regroup and will enjoy a drink together which I need before Darren and I cycle back to our [Applause] accommodation we’ve encountered haven’t we some really nice scenery on today’s ride so if you found the video enjoyable or entertaining please do give it a thumbs up it doesn’t cost you anything it’s the click of a button and it helps out the channel quite a bit the more the thumbs up is given the more the channel is promoted the greater the potential for growth and in turn the greater the ability for me to put out more videos to which hopefully entertain you so please give it a a like a thumbs up I’m grateful thank you if you’ve not already subscribed as I say I’m trying to grow the channel I think I’m currently 357 subscribers I’m trying to hit that magic 1,000 Mark so I’m trying to encourage as many people as possible to subscribe if you’ve not done so please hit that sub subscribe button it’s completely free doesn’t cost you a penny and for the same reason as the thumbs up it helps me grow the channel so if you have done thank you very much I’m really grateful if you’ve got any questions or comments about anything you’ve seen or heard on today’s video please you know you know what to do in the comments section below look there’s my car ahead of me bless [Applause] him slide changing plan uh Daren and I aren’t going back to ca cista in denya it’s straight back to the accommodation for us and we’re nearly there I’m going to stop outside of that lovely church again and do the ride sumary stroke wrap up look we’re here again and why not because it is such a lovely spot um I’d almost go as far as and say it’s the perfect perfect spot to sit and to try and do a ride summary uh for the end of the video um great ride today um the Bernier uh tough climb although we did it from the easy side I was uh told harder from the other way some uh 177% ramps it was nice to see the uh group of cyclists uh out front gather on a Sunday morning for the club ride um that was quite a privilege for me I enjoyed it I quite enjoy social riding meeting other people like-minded people and uh having a good laughing good company whilst you’re on your bike uh the heat was difficult today um mid-30s again um and you know the fatigue uh for the third tough ride in a day uh uh added up and I you know struggled again today I don’t mind admitting it but I tried to hang in there and at times I had to let the group uh go and uh um there’s no shame in that um I certainly hav an ACC climatized to the heat uh uh out here not that I’d be much better even if I had done about 3 and 1 12,000 ft of climbing today um just over 50 mile so you know no great shakes when it comes to distance and and the Sand’s climbed but you don’t have to do a long ride with lots of climbing for the for the ride to be tough you know uh different uh conditions different issues uh can make you know uh the ride tough but um I enjoyed it it was an experience I’d like finally to say uh my thanks uh to express the gratitude that I’ve got um uh to Darren uh both to Darren uh and his partner uh Nick Nicola for graciously hosting me for this long weekend period um Darren is the uh lead guide at Cafe cista um and it’s clear having watched him today why he’s the lead guide his professionalism on the road is first class he takes really good care of his clients uh those people that uh uh go out uh and you know pay for guided uh tours he’s constantly pointing out the dangers on the road uh he’s constant conly uh looking after those that uh he’s in charge of in the group um he provides a good service and if you’re thinking you’re coming to this area I would urge you you won’t be disappointed um you’ll have a good experience they know the best roads to ride in the area you’ll be well taken care of they’ve got a good selection of bikes uh to uh to rent in the in the shop so check them out if you’re in this area uh it’s a first class Service uh thanks again for watching make sure please you give the video a like and if you haven’t subscribed already please do so and I look forward to seeing you on the next one ciao [Music] he oh

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