Hey I hope your having a lovely day! if your reading this you probably like the content so just subscribe thanks so much everyone! Cannot believe that we *spoiler* around *spoiler* and created such a stable communist state!

    anyways to the boring stuff!
    old youtube:

    Live hello and welcome to the boomy day wait and we are live we are live I believe I am live now right welcome to the booming day mode program Communists comrades and such yes we are coming to the world now you might ask what country are we playing now if you haven’t seen

    The thumbnail that could be a question you’re asking if you have you already no that is right we are playing the strongest Nation on Earth Iron Man mode we do have a mod on that gives us the nuclear H key which if we get there I’m surprised we are playing Luxembourg

    Today and shall it be known that we will have 100% World coverage I’m taking the piss right our first thing here we are right and then we yeah we have that let’s just go mechanical engineering and let’s go for Machine Tools right now if anyone thinks

    I’m good at this game you’re wrong but I like I I I like the amount of optimism you have that I can actually lead a country right okay five day is not bad um hey Al Fraser how’s it going the hearts of iron stream has happened and

    The Luxembourg heartan stream it is oh what a nice day for you Guys oh we can reduplicate the Treaty of London we could do that playing as Lux it’s not hard it’s not you see it’s only hard if you believe it’s hard and that we’re going to mass produce units as per we got I have no idea how I’m going to

    Pull this sh off but we going to do it for the sake of world communism okay look we already have our first military man we have Gustav Dean and something I am not a French man so I cannot speak French I am sorry to tell everyone here okay political effort will be very

    Soon we are going to get our first political Minister and our political Minister will be Max Maxime nothing my God what are these names um then I’m thinking Pierre and then Pierre and that that’s about it that’s our game possibly we could get um you know what we’re

    Getting Damian for the shits and gigs or boomy demo I I hate the fact that it’s the same spelling but we’re we’re running we’re running with it okay okay so that’s going to be a absolute vibe there and then we are just going to we we’re we’re just going to let them all

    Exist okay we’re going to start training him as well we probably should have had them all training but it’s fine and here we are so 436 men left we are I’m optimistic oh it’s fine if you want to speak French just talk Spanish SL Italian was deep floting a big sounds

    F sorry can I I’m just pinning this this is brilliant this is staying to the end of the Stream I do not care what YouTube says that is the best comment I have ever seen in my life like I’m sitting down just just doing Luxembourg I see like two

    Messages oh my God [ __ ] give some love to Frances Francis not Frances Jesus Christ I cannot read today oh my God what on Earth right we’ve got one military Factory you might ask what are we going to use it for oh oh you guys you guys thought we were going to chain these

    Divisions fully no we are milking this Army exercise we need something we need something in the Army we’re going to stock power 100 and then after 100 what we are going to do is we’re going to transfer to artillery because that is the only way that I can think we can

    Beat the German forces is artillery and air superiority air superiority we can gain by anti-air okay I have researched these divisions and because this one is so blank you can just do motorized artillery that’s fine but good old artillery and anti anti-air will be perfect okay H [ __ ] wait when did we get

    This uh Army effort yeah we don’t need that we’re going industrial right I genuinely do not have any hope to winning this but if we can win I’m going to go straight to francis’s mother and tell him about our exploits and yes francis’s mother is a he just in case anyone’s interested

    Right we’re getting Maxim right we got okay we we’re going to do this right we’re going to start sweetening um the deal for these guys soon for us to join their packed that’s going to be great okay we’ve we got some nice divisions we’re in fact gaining soldiers so this is absolutely epic

    We’re going mechanical Computing so that we can do every other Tech Faster by like 4 days maybe but honestly it’s just better it’s just better I’m thinking if we can take Belgium and the Netherlands we actually have a fair shot at taking over Germany uh yeah we just can’t create

    Agencies so we’re effed on the political scope there and worst comes to worst we start we start doing this okay Fortress Luxembourg is our backup in fact I will start on Fortress Luxembourg now okay yeah apparently we’re low on men I don’t know why I I I think we’re

    Fine on men I mean like the amount of men that go over me every day like it’s fine okay so so yeah we’re we’re going to get probably someone like Pierre just because he’s just more political power and the higher political power we have the more likely we’re going to actually

    Get something going um cuz we do need to set up discourse we do need to do all of that but if we do it at certain times we do just get a faster you know we can’t do a revolution can we no we need our stability anyway so we’re

    Going to take the long way around about becoming Communists it’s going to be fine okay we’re going to get his mother in bed somehow I’m not sure how but we will okay so we’re going to go Alexander I actually I think Amil I think a for

    Safety cuz we do just need against the Nazis if we cannot move on Belgium okay so what is our army experience oh my God look at that we’re getting there we are getting there I mean we’ve nearly fully trained these boys okay research slot is available

    Again um does it act no we’re not doing any of that so we get so we can duplicate spots okay that’s my plan because if we can do in industrial effort get all of this done we actually get more than what we should do because we don’t need collectivists we don’t

    Need these things right cuz what’s that oh no look at that I I would miss up out on not having people come into my country and change my policies oh no what a what a absolute horrible thing and then stability plus 5 and recovery

    Rate plus 10 I I miss I miss out on nothing here like even if I can get fanaticism and Technology sharing it is unimportant right that that is just such a long line I may as well go down here and actually just be independent through and through right

    Did we actually get one that [ __ ] Fortress Luxembourg might actually happen Okay the idea is just make an absolute Fortress of this because as soon as we can get antiair we don’t need to have men down to hold the antiair I don’t know if any anyone’s realized this

    And we can just be a DOT on the map okay as long as we can have one tank division as well it doesn’t matter how good the tanks are we can actually just hold back the Nazis completely that’s the plan and if we can move into Belgium is extra

    Okay we’re going to hold better than every other country because we’re just we’re just increasing the ASA that’s all we’re doing we’re just we’re just increasing it up through Mets and um hopefully and I mean hopefully we can hold it because if Belgium can do that like if all of these

    Countries could just do this I think it’s just victory like I think that is just victory for Europe if there’s just one whole wall right that’s perfect we are going to start on to artillery I know I know it’s one a week and it’s it’s a bit of an awful idea

    Right we need to stop training these people because we’re nearly on that anyway and 0.3 a day just beats it okay we are going to go construction not armor actually no we are going to go Armament okay we’re going to do this this is going to be fine and then we’re

    Getting Pierre D plong okay this will be fine okay we’ve gained one man I believe that’s gained uh does anyone know if we went up or down I hope I went up um we could we’re not trading we’re not trading for one because we do just need

    Fortrus Luxembourg and we are going to hold down I mean IM like I probably do need to make this into a vault at some point like some sort of like you know thing I don’t know when or how I’m going to be doing that but that’s going to

    That’s going to be the vibe you know okay so we are just going to go chief of army we’re going to have Alexander or Emil whenever we have that it was just worthwhile increasing up political power per day though I believe that was a good

    Move for me hopefully um if not I cry about that’s it that that’s the repercussions uh limited conscription as Luxembourg would be nice cuz technically I don’t actually very badly need anything from anyone else like we are just a one state solution that sounded wrong with the current things going on

    In the world but hey ho and then as soon as this is done we can move on to making the anti-air anti-air comes last because we can just repair fast I’m thinking anti-air level five cuz then just tons of planes are being knocked down and we can just

    Station our men I mean like fully entrenched absolutely brilliant okay and we wait no I wasn’t meant to do that that was close that was very close okay it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter we’re set back like 2 3 days we’re fine I mean we’re set back 20

    But like it doesn’t matter does not okay so here we are here we are division defense is about to happen and we are about to get the highest amount you know of Defense as we can as Luxembourg my communist Brothers we shall begin to to recomm our lands okay

    We shall make our lands great once more okay we did go on yeah okay and then after then we’re going to start building I yeah so it’s going to be artillery yeah artillery tanks and yeah that’s about it um and yeah this this is going to be mainly a sitting game sadly

    But hey ho anything to attack the Nazis you know I I feel I feel like you know this are probably more of my mundane games but hey ho does not matter we shall win and we shall prove that Luxembourg is truly Superior does that mean we can get yeah I’m I’m going to

    Get back bitburg that’s all I’m going to do that’s all I’m going to do for for asking after World War II cuz World War II is going to happen I’m going to make it to the end of World War II here okay and when World War II finishes my

    Communist Brothers we shall liberate bit land bitberg if you will we shall liberate everything that they have stolen from us you know we shall get back westwall and we shall get back the lands of which they have forever taken and thwarted from our people for my brothers communism will not work

    Otherwise okay so we are setting up political discourse I believe yep and then we’re going to discredit the government soon not right now we’re going to wait for that to change really low actually I think it has already changed um and then yeah we’re going to

    Take out the whites party I I think I’m going to unpin francis’s thing which I B he’s he’s going to be sad but he’s going to cry I think our Fraser’s just completely gone off a wahoo okay so research lot we are going to

    Go uh I mean it just makes sense it is crying out at me I’m going to have to admit okay concentrated industry but actually no we are going to go tanks into war tank development okay soon we will be able to add artillery to our tank like to our

    Divisions and soon after oh right we did antiair it’s brilliant okay we’re just that’s a that’s our entire construction plan okay we’re getting all every other piece of construction off these 70-day things which proba will absolutely jump off the Wahoo for every other thing but you see my brothers my sisters for

    Anything that we can do to increase communism around the world we shall do what happens if I actually like beat the top guy on Hearts of Iron just for being Ju Just for jumping off the Wahoo right we’re going to do construction effort one okay we my whole game plan is get

    All of the technology things soon but not right now right research slot Factory is more than 50 we’re never achieving that I don’t think I don’t think that’s even an option right um we don’t need trains I think it’s just anti-air we need right we’re down on iron that’s not good right we’re

    Going to make anti-air the focus here because we don’t need guns so much guns are like secondary here okay support battalions we are going to ask for artillery absolutely brilliant okay now it’s half artillery half not okay this is going to be fine we are going to make sure that these you

    Know these not people to artillery it’s just waiting on uh does it need manow I don’t think it does I think we just soaked up our last of our Manpower till we become communist actually no we can get limited conscription that’s fine that’s fine as long as we can get some

    Men I think it’s fine okay uh when do we discredit our government I think it’s soon cuz otherwise we are just not going to be Communists for World War II and I just want to be communist cuz otherwise I’m going to just join the allies and all of that’s going to happen normally

    And that’s just not cool okay you just have to be cool when it comes to Hearts of Iron and that’s why I say actually right cuz we started that with 90 days now we’re going to walk off I know I know someone’s going to be like but but

    Boomie that’s such an awful idea no we need soft attack that’s what I’m talking about we are getting our soft attack in and we shall beat back the Nazis this way okay our soft attack measures we’ll make sure that they cannot attack us on our own chores for Joseph Beck a

    Democratic leader shall be dethroned soon because if we do not we shall no longer be able to hold our heads up high in the great land of Luxembourg France the Democratic ho of which it is shall never see the light of day for Luxembourg is the only country

    To see the light of what we need a true communist Utopia see these countries have all Fallen to ways of heresy and we shall liberate them the best form that we can when do we oh my God that needs so much more CP oh my God I’m crying

    There’s no more that I can do okay construction effort we are getting this done right you see Luxembourg we are building we are building a Utopia ever so slowly where do I see that again see we are building Fortress luxenburg for if we cannot make it to

    Belgium we shall make it pretty darn close I’m I’m thinking if uh World War II if these countries just get actually annexed uh I might claim them in the after War thing and then I actually can make the Loland imagine I can make the Loland immediately after World War II right

    Okay I’m thinking construction effort 2 yeah we just need to hasten this up because if we don’t get at least I think it’s like four or five by like 1938 we might be a bit screwed a a bit bent over if you will right what did I need 150

    For um it was some assistant oh God I forgotten oh no um I need 10 right no it was for this limited conscription right cuz if we can conscript slightly more cuz we we don’t have to care about training times here out in the com communist republic we do

    Not have to care about anything like that all we have to care about is being able to get the men ah yes ah yes look at that so 2.5% of 299 let’s think about that that’s that’s like 8,000 but we will have 8,000 men to play

    With that’s F I said that wrong that was said very badly right I’m going to run a good bit of anti-air in okay I think this is going to be fine good bit of anti-air on top because then even if these don’t get built we have four

    Anti-air here and with that we can just knock down [ __ ] tons of planes right we need to start thinking about how to increase War support I genuinely don’t think we can do that right we’re going to just going to have to discredit our government we are going to just have to

    To start trying to push being communist faster right I mean we could stage Revolution somehow how would I even how does that work does anyone know how staging a revolution in Luxembourg ah yes yes yes yes Gustav Gustav labau is coming to the fold and I godamn the music that’s

    Introducing our new ways of life and being right so you’re waiting on seven artillery okay yeah that’s fine that’s fine as long as we have it all coming in soon as you can see guns are just least of our worries I’m almost tempted to take guns off the menu uh if that’s even

    How I can put it yeah guns are being taken off the menu for now just because we do just need these to come out faster yeah and that’s why we’re increasing the civy amounts so that we can just increase you know research and that we could possibly make tanks I’m

    Thinking one tank division on top of all of us um right we’re going to go this right we are going to want uh we have 32 armor vehicles are not invented oh that’s 24 days H just pop it on just pop it on to artillery for a few weeks that’s fine

    Okay so now you see now TI on The anti-airs Happening that’s going to be pretty hot I right when can we do this we need 14 CP that’s fine we can wait okay declared war in Spain look at that our communist brothers are not working wait what I thought this side was I

    Thought this side was the fascist side I was like wait what is going going on in Spain I really thought we were about to see Spain you know actually just fully you know just just against all communist beliefs suddenly n and you might be like ah are we joining Spain this game yeah

    No we’re preparing for Germany we cannot we cannot I’m so sorry to everyone I have joined in in Spain every single time but Spain is just dead I can’t join in there’s nothing I can do we’re not communist enough we cannot it’s over by the time we can get in I believe you

    Know if we can get in I will try my hardest okay if there is even a small window of opportunity right now you might be like ah but you know tank chassis absolutely awful yes yes they are okay but we’re just making light tanks right what do we need again what

    Main Armament is that main Armament main Armament um yes close close support that’s all we need that is it the thing is this um yeah so what what we kind of need is oh small cannon yeah soft attack five we don’t need reliability okay yeah this is fine I like this um we’re

    Going to increase the armor by like an absolute [ __ ] ton we don’t need engines we just don’t need engines these are stationary tanks okay um yeah I think I think Defense 4 is going to be absolutely bloody brilliant in this situation uh special module um not special module can I get

    Like sloped armor or something smoke launchers extra ammunition brilliant right non-tracked yeah no we don’t need anything like that yeah I I say this is fine ah yes yes my communist Brothers we shall be making tanks ah yes we shall in Luxembourg be the first people to make a

    Tank now you might be like ah but but Boomie tank oh my God this is an actual division no no no no no no no I you you have me wrong I don’t support the idea of just regular Manpower we just need tanks huh we just need tanks right they

    Can call themselves whatever they wish but they are not communist until they take the kingdom of Luxembourg that is what I’m saying right I think we need to get infantry experts because all that infantry that’s going on inside the public Force the for infantry need that need their modifiers we literally are

    Going to have like four tanks by the time of this war like it’s literally three a month this is not going to this is not good okay we we’ve got all the artillery we could ever need in the world so we’re just going to right this

    Is perfect we got one a week okay that’s fine on TX right so we’re going to go engineering I’m thinking we finally do no we don’t we do not do this still we we flee this for oh look at you’re playing the hardest nation in the game I

    Would never I this is actually the easiest I don’t know what you’re talking about you know with we we I would I would never consider something so stupid okay we would I’m not considering playing Luxembourg that come on you know me I would never oh wait whoops uh basic

    Engine we need protection that is it that is it we are just giving ourselves protection here but yes SC us the easiest is Switzerland is it actually I didn’t know that I’ll play Switzerland next communist Switzerland that is oh my God time to join the Chinese United wait

    Can I join the Chinese united front that would be hilarious IM imagine like they’re just like ah yeah you know join us to be fair I’m really hoping I can just join the Soviet Union um my whole plan is uh not to expand that’s it that’s it I’m I’m just

    Increasing the magic know okay that’s it the the Mao line is where I am going okay so you can you can see we’re going to very soon become communist I’m going to wait for like 51% cuz there is a glitch where it just says no and I just

    Sit there and cry I think I might actually ban Fascism and then do the national referendum I think that might be my best ptical that I could possibly do right we’re going to do infrastructure that’s going to be brilliant okay don’t you worry guys We Are The World Is heating up hopefully hopefully

    The anchas doesn’t happen and they get denied at Czechoslovakia slow them down um rather reform than Revolution ah yes yes yes wait that’s perfect that’s put that puts us directly in the line of holding a national referendum keep researching things that’s exactly what I’m doing we’re we’re just getting in our tanks

    Right now we’re getting our one tank division that is it we are we’re cing all of our Manpower and everything into making one tank division just the singular triple tank we need a referendum yes yes we do oh look at that sexy Rosa Luxembourg right now we officially have no

    Allies cuz we can’t even oh wait we can have allies we can have allies if I increase how much they like me yes can I have military access in your country yes oh oh that’s beautiful that’s hot in fact can I negotiate licenses yes keep celing things to me

    Russia you beautiful beautiful state right this is going to work we’re going to have Russia pulled into the war early and we are going to sit here and just not expand because if they can only attack from bitberg we’re going to be fine we have relatively well-trained

    Men in a relatively well Tred trade with Russia no no if I trade I cannot build and if I cannot build we die that is it that that is how we sit if I trade I die that that that is that is the long and

    Short of this okay if I trade I am dead okay like I have to build oh sorry whoops construction I have to build these before anything else and the Germans they’re not looking too happy at me actually making a fortress what wait what what if if I declare war in Germany

    That would be so dumb but wait wait does that mean wait wait wait actually if I declare war in Germany and not the other way around they can’t do Czechoslovakia and they can’t do the unlock they would be weaker oh wait actually that’s not even the worst idea I’ve ever came up with

    Don’t L you know your advice my good sir could be amazing but hear me out they will lose so many men that it’s just not worth their time and because of our amount of anti-air my my dude the amount of anti-air I have been making in

    Preparation of this war is so insane is beyond me but every single one of these divisions have an anti-air meaning we’ve got over 100 anti-air you know points made and we are making that research lot that is brilliant right as soon as we get a high enough industry what I’m

    Going to do is make a nuclear reactor that is how we beat back Germany okay that is that is the only form of which I think we could actually do it and get away with things you have no yeah don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I’m fully aware I am fully

    Aware I am nothing I have n oh wait shoot shoot shoot I just clicked off whoopsie M doodle um join faction I would love to join the Kon oh look at that oh that is hot right we’re fine we are more than we are in fact Dandy right we’re going to be fully

    Communist I mean Luxembourg it was always destined to be okay oh my God we don’t have the man power we just don’t it’s fine it’s fine okay we we have everything except for the men to do it okay we’re we’re going to we’re going to Simply going to Simply

    Believe okay we have five battalions here and we’re just we’re just going to have them all it’s a 25% debuff but it will just increase how fast we can do this and honestly that’s worth our time much more we have EV look we have weapons we

    Have everything we have so much in stock power right now look at that infantry equipment 1.1k we’re fine okay we’ll get more people in reserve soon more than 20% War support can we increase War support out of War I might have to be in war for this how do

    We right oh well attenion that will just increase by itself that’s fine that’s fine because we’re one of the last places to be declared war on so we’re fine okay I think we’re all threatening for no reason okay we’re level six okay we’ve got Russia on side uh we’re going

    To stop improving relations cuz there’s literally no point in wasting that you’re very sacred very amazing wait why why do I have that okay let’s ban fascism we have a bit more support for things now I mean the rights party yeah they they exist and it’s going to be

    Annoying but I think it’s better to have the democratics about just because otherwise we might incur like what Civil War or something like that wait does it increase War support no ah but it does increase overall stability which is a very hot thing I think overall stability is worth

    My while I don’t know about you guys I think overall stability is going to be amazing I love it how people are just like flocking in just being like what the [ __ ] is this Maniac doing he’s actually playing Luxembourg unironically right construction speed we’re finally doing this cuz we finally have time to

    Do it right we finally have time to actually get research done right we are going to do the 1936 light tank chassis and then we’re going to make it into an actual so basically we’re going to have inter Wars but we’re going to upgrade them so that the game gets tricked into

    Thinking that it’s an actual like thing see cuz now we got a new slot we’re going to be fine this is going to be amazing okay as communist Brothers I would never let you down and I will not today right anti-tank that is what we need there’s only four in all

    Messages I don’t know what you mean it’s fine it’s fine look maybe only four people in history are stupid enough to be like me but we’re getting construction effort so that we can finish these bad boys off quicker I love it that we actually do have a lot of you know factories now

    Like this is unironically a good Province like just completely unironically I love this province right now it is looking hot right I think soon we’re going to start doing that like anti-democratic raids just to it will decrease our overall production for like maybe like 10 weeks but it does increase

    It in the end so I like that idea like Gustav actually gives us 5% L uh least tension limit least okay that’s fine so we got L leases faster that’s nice I like that idea so Russia can actually give us support faster I like I I like this right I need seven more

    CP and then Hubert figaz actually gets used and you see we’re fine any threating that anyone had before I think is unfounded because simply we’re that good we’ve put all of our factories and all of our chips into our one tank division okay our one tank division will

    Do this okay no matter how crap this Army looks we are truly something to behold we are the Communist Nations United and it sounds like a crappy football team I’m aware and I may die of heat stroke accidentally I’m wearing four layers and it’s like

    20° I think I don’t know what the heat is outside but being in front of my computer boots it at least six right okay is it like 40 CP that we we need or is it 35 I I think it’s 40 CP yeah 40 CP brilliant opinion on super heavy tanks

    Uh they would be really good in this situation um but the only issue is cuz they only have infantry here I don’t want to do it okay and for the fact that what can we do doctrines please I didn’t realize that oh my God we

    Can’t okay my idea is um Max and Trent we’re just going to we’re just doing grand battle plan we are just going to entrench that is it that is my whole plan is to entrench so hard that they can’t actually move in our entrenchment will just go against everything the

    Nazis have believed we will be so prepared right they every single turn that these Nazis take will be a communist brother waiting to hurt them okay armor an effort number three that’s going to be brilliant and I think we actually have to start doing real things

    After that which I feel like would be this line entrench until that you can push basically is the plan we kill as many Nazis as we physically can and then pretend we can do something okay cuz as long as we can actually Inge hard enough I think we can push back cuz I’m

    Thinking the allies will have a nicer time with me existing and actually being a threat at all times and I know Luxembourg is a threat is a wild thing to say right I think that’s Cavalry but I yeah he’s Cavalry sadly um attack plus one yeah that’s going to not be amazing

    I might I might invest in a new Commander I have gotten really unlucky on them um it’s press censorship no I don’t need that okay uh agencies construction that’s brilliant okay and we’re nearly done with our tanks and there’s nearly nothing we can spend except for saving to basically go

    Scraping the barrel immediately literally we just have to save up for that I believe do the ideological Manpower Booth highly recommend you invest into it drops I would say that would be amazing uh if that’s in the Communist line as you can see communist support and then subversive activities

    Indoctrination stability you don’t get anything for being communist that is a you actually just don’t for being communist you get no extra manpow it’s actually really sad if no it’s in war Doctrine what sorry land Doctrine sorry where where is it like among fortified defense and

    Such what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up hold up what no not there the first tab what like Here three buttons on the Army tab oh my God ideological loyalty my God if I knew about that oh my Jesus KL marks you brilliant man thank you drops I will forever be in your debt [ __ ] on me oh oh yes oh yes we will have the Manpower that Luxembourg

    Deserves oh yes that is a brilliant we don’t even need to go oh my God if I knew about this my God thank you the stream is saved by one man and one man only Jesus Christ on a bicycle right and then when arm effort number three happens this might actually like our

    Tank divisions will be done and we will stop pile like there is no tomorrow from 1927 yes my man woman Children of the Soviet states of Luxembourg we shall be able to win bro we will have more than zero see that see that number see it we

    Have a 100 men with us my men women and children of Luxembourg I promised you a future and I shall give it to you for the party and for the people yes right I mean like it set us really far back in doctrines but honestly I think it’s

    Worthwhile okay when that finishes we’re just going to do it again because we need our stability 100 right that’s how we get rid of democracy we’re not going to like ban it or anything and be like that kind of guy no we’re going to we’re going to take it

    To zero because then it actually puts us up so much stability it’s a long-term investment but because we’ve got a whole ass year until we die we’re fine right concentrated industry Max factory factory output yes yes we just need that now right and when the improved tank chassis comes out we start upgrading

    It [ __ ] brilliant right now what we’re going to do is start on Tower anti-tank now everyone might be a little bit confused to this decision because it’s like well what what on Earth are you doing we are going to add the anti-tanks as well so you’ve got anti-tank you’ve got anti-air and

    Artillery so that we are more than likely to get rid of everyone here right and because of our high amount of men that we can actually get anyway I’m going to be so daring to say we’ll have two infantry divisions before a battle which is redink for me to say because uh

    That might actually kill me logistically speaking we’re still up on guns we’re fine guns are fine it’s just tanks and it’s just okay that’s fine that’s fine we’re basically done on tanks and we are nearly done on fortresses when we’re done on fortresses I’ll start trading I want to make sure

    We have fortresses that is like my number one I have to get first I don’t actually think there’s anything um two years ahead of nuclear technology um let’s look at that because that is my winning strategy we could we could actually start a nuclear technology cuz that’s research time oh yes so after

    Construction we’re going to start on uh Computing and then do atomic research side by side so we’re going to quickly do this CU secret weapons yes yes okay okay so we do this nuclear effort there’s a video called Fortress Luxenberg and it shows the oh yeah no no

    No it probably does I haven’t seen anything I’m literally winging it right tank designer armor research speed reliability plus 5% uh ship designer right infantry equipment that’s kind of what I’m looking for motorization Speed uh research industrial um is it actually worth my time to no we need to save up for p

    Potential Manpower in case we need to take like a 100,000 out of a luxembourgian population okay cuz we need 40% of the population if worst comes to worst and we’ve already used a large s of that right so we’re going to not do any of

    That I just said why okay so we are just instantly going to start doing this 223 days that’s fine and now this chassis comes out and look at that we have perfectly in line the amount of stuff that we need to start doing stuff right okay we’re going

    To start getting close to weapons too because we do just need it okay um right now we go on to tanks we go improve tank like chassis okay we are again going to do the close support weapon because um I don’t know if anyone knows but uh we

    Need a lot of soft attack to actually lter just just as much soft attack as physically possible okay storage secondary turret right we are going to ignore the fact that we probably need reliability because uh reliability can suck my uh great great large amounts and copious amounts of spieling on this game

    Right we are going to have armor six this is going to be a bit ridiculous okay armor type we do just need as much defense as possible like literally as much as a pass right improve tank like chassis okay no I just wanted to change it brilliant we need chromium now that’s a

    Bit sad okay you know what I’ll trade with the Soviets for chromian I think I think that’s fine last time I played tanver and it helped me so much but even buff the ideological loyalty I’m seeing that you get 500 a week and not 100 yeah I know it’s amazing okay

    So right we’re not improving worker conditions although that is like part of our promise to the people I do not care we just need to make it better right I’m thinking we do a military theorist it’s not a is it’s just a theory a hearts of Vine game sorry I

    Just I just really wanted to right okay so we’re just upgrading now unless you’re anti-tank and then you know anti-tank can suck my great copious amounts of playing this game right do do you do you guys see the problem here we still need to finish these two and then

    Fortress Luxembourg might be safe we might be safe as Fortress Luxembourg from here on out I just I just have so much doubt that we can actually survive oh my my God wait why don’t I um expected number of factories put on consumer goods 30%

    35 that’s only 5% do what trade trade uh use three available three but we have seven yeah I’d love I’d love a civilian Factory yeah yeah please give me a civilian Factory I mean if if that’s on the cards yeah I’d love another civilian I didn’t realize that’s how you did that

    And then we can go to par oh my God so yeah we’re going to instantly start doing like radio propaganda and all of that um as soon as it hits 25 which I know I probably should have researched it a while ago but I’m like backtracking quite far right

    Now cuz I do just need my research done you know um right we’re still low on Manpower but we’re fine I think we have all the manow we need now and that’s great okay and we have copious amounts of everything else yeah we’re fine our country is doing swimmingly right we’re

    Going to leave secret research for a while so we’re going to just up my political power as much as physically possible ah yes having really high stability is the world’s best I swear right and then when democracy basically collapses cuz what I’m doing is instead of taking down democracy how everyone

    Else does it um I’m doing the weird tradeoff stability so I’ll be on 89 as soon as this finishes and then I’ll do it again and again until democracy is basically dead um to get 100% stability for 50 political power a time it does just take

    More time though which is just kind of a sad bit about it I would love armor okay you see where where most people will be like ah yeah let’s let’s do the matter no I have no idea what I’m doing I’m literally doing what I think is best because it looks

    Shiny okay um one one one second my door’s being knocked on hello hello I’m streaming I currently Live okay okay so back to our communist Utopia sorry I was just being told about some Heating yo apparently it’s just g off and I’m just sitting there like bro I can’t really do much right air production Construction Construction engineering what can we do with it oh my

    God is it actually worth one political power is it worth it I mean cuz our political power would end up giving us more than 10% so no it’s not worth it it’s it’s not we we need the political power we most people are going to be sitting

    There like no no do it do it but I’m just sitting there like actually wait a second we don’t need it oh hey Boomie hey Bal how’s it going we are playing communist Luxemburg today oh my Gideon we are I mean to be fair we are going to

    Be the godamn best country there’s ever going to be right there we are we’re having what like yeah that’s that’s enough that’s enough to like encounter like enough to get away with everything right cuz when when our fors get done that’s going to be brilliant we don’t

    Need an extra 10% on fors I think I might right we can’t do anything never mind I was about to be like ah yeah let’s go start making other things no we just can’t we just cannot we are condemned okay um I mean we could start doing collectivist but again I don’t see

    Much of a point right anti-democratic raid we’re not going to ban democracy because that’s bad for business that’s bad for stability business good to know it’s going good my my dude I’m currently um preparing to fend off the Nazis it’s going to be amazing okay we

    We as a communist Utopia are fending are going to fend off these horrible horrible people right so we’ve got two available that we’re currently using on making this okay 20th of January uh I think that’s before the n has come down I think we have done it I actually think

    We might have done this quite correctly oh my God first time I’ve actually done something correct in this game right with that amazing knowledge I think I might do the rage just to get more made like more things made faster uh is that any trade we’re not

    Using no sadly we’re using all of our trade okay why are we using fuel current fuel is it going up or down I can’t tell oh it’s going up for some reason we have fuel let’s go okay so when when the Soviets realized they’re about to be

    Asked over I don’t know you had a new Discord server I just joined it oh yeah I made it a few days ago um it’s just cuz the old one was really hard to maintain and just cuz I didn’t understand anything and I was like ah

    Well it makes more sense just to start a new you know cuz there were loads of inactive people from the old like uh twitch and all that jazz so I was like ah you know what yeah cuz I don’t stream on there Tut to often and I was like

    Well let’s just put everything like that on the back burner and have everything else working well okay so we are going to what do we have in stockpile is actually the question right we have anti-tank being needing to be made we’ got some anti-air that we can

    Add in now that would be nice I’m thinking I mean to be fair I think combat support battalions I think just anti-air just works um cuz it increases HP it also increases piercing soft attack hard attack it is a lot cuz the thing is Supply use doesn’t really mean much to

    Me at this point you know I mean we’re not moving anywhere we are a stationary Army for all i a okay our army in the great Union of Soviet the in the great Union of the luxemburgish Soviet peoples we shall okay so how bad is our anti-air we’re only 50 down see it’s

    Fine cuz if we siphon a bit of our production here to put it onto anti-air we’re fine see see guys we’re doing it I’m a look okay okay that that’s fine man that’s fine thank you for Ling it really does help the YouTube stats you know

    Also helps to you know just be around so thank you so much right 440 days we are getting our Atomic research done we are also now doing radio because World War II is going to start looking dodgy okay it’s 1938 and Czechoslovakia is not be moved on meaning we might have a really

    Really unstr strong uh super heavy tanks I mean that’s fair um but yeah don’t worry about it we we’re just making we’re just making heavy yeah we’re just we’re just making heavy light tanks because they are the just really easy to make just out of everything you know that that’s the only

    Reason don’t you worry my good sir you know I would never lead our Union into demise and death right perfect ah needs more than i’ be I’ve been played for a fool I have been played for a fool okay so we got 20 % War support that’s absolutely bloody marvelous okay

    And we are just going to take trench warfare we are literally going to entrench so hard that the Nazis don’t know oh God I just clicked off oops we are going to entrench so hard that the Nazis won’t even know what hit them probably nothing because we’re entrenching that’s what I’m talking

    About okay now you might be like ah but why did you train them map at the start it was that tiny bit of army experience I just didn’t know how much I was getting right I think at this point we are good for a lot of things um what are we 9 out

    Of 10 at a quarter of the way I think we’re fine yeah 19th of July I don’t think we’re getting declared war on for a while either I think now I know it’s unsafe for me to do this cuz I don’t know how far the Nazis actually

    Are but I’m thinking if we quickly train these guys up to get their 25% Buffs you know it’s going to be absolutely godamn brilliant us in our few divisions we’re going to do it okay I think I think we can even make planes if we’re that sourcy because our research is going to

    Catch up at some point cuz we are just getting the modifiers and our Atomic research is really going to bring us up it’s a really heavy investment that though okay uh what are we low uh just anti-tank anti-air and they’re being made so that’s fine I don’t think we lose artillery so that’s

    Fine and yeah I think I think we’ll be absolutely Dandy oh yeah we should probably oh whoops it was that button okay cuz I want to train them up but not have much attrition because even though we are getting absolutely AR tons worth of Manpower I mean more than what we

    Would expect get getting really high costly like mandates here you know it’s still not going to bring us through too well if we just lose a lot of men okay so we’re two days one day from seeing 95% stability oh that’s that’s going to make anyone wet on a Saturday

    Morning we’re on 85 what the what the hell that that that makes me sad on the inside but you know what we are just going to ban Democratic parties I thought that would turn my stability up if I knew it would take it down I just wouldn’t have done so well that’s

    Sad well okay we’re dealing with 79 not even 69 I’m very disappointed in myself in numerous ways here I’ll never mentally recover from this decision and we actually have more manpower than we can make stuff with so that’s going to be that’s actually amazing um right

    The thing that we have on top of the Nazis though is the fact that we don’t have to research Naval that’s it that is our one advantage right the German Reich is going to do their next thing it is going to make Slovakia and that isn’t going to look nice for

    Us but we are going to have really well- Tred men and I think this is going to be our last form of actually actually we could just make [ __ ] tons of guns I’m thinking make [ __ ] tons of guns I’m really thinking just do this make [ __ ] tons of guns and actually viable

    Forces that we can make something like this I’m I’m thinking something like that and make just [ __ ] tons right we’re going to we’re going to do that which is going to really Hemorrhage everything cuz the game’s going to basically just freak at us being like what the [ __ ]

    Okay because we are going to go really far down in everything like actually everything everything right we only need 86 guns and my whole plan is just to have the tank there cuz the tanks are like really really good they’re really amazing tanks right okay so with with

    Our new found Manpower and you found everything and you know you found shorts I yes I found my shorts okay 0.5 years yeah the Nazis are going to have better weapons than us which is going to be a little bit sad but there’s not much we

    Can do about it so we just have to suck it up and just deal with the amount of anti like the thing is the artillery won’t be damaged is what I’m hoping or we’ll have enough artillery that it can be mitigated anyway because the amount of light tanks

    That we have we have enough light tanks to if you are really going you should look at the modifiers in the Army tab with static Warfare I mean I’m not I’m not going to be fully static okay it’s going to be fine Army leader starting starting level uh terrain no intensive

    Leadership planning Logistics we’re just going to we’re just going to do that we’re just going to go defense no um I’m not going to be fully static we I did say we are going to have Damian in our government and I shall fully suceed that okay no my whole full plan

    Right the entire plan through and through is just have barely enough to survive against the Nazis in most forms so I mean we have definitely made the 10 that we needed like the 10 land fors which is really good for us third button I mean but yeah it works uh doesn’t

    Matter doesn’t matter look it it’ll be fine you know it’s like we’ve like we can pretend we have an Air Force it’s fine okay we’re not we’re just not doing static yeah I’m fully statically just doing just antier it is just going to be really hot really well really well done

    Really everything and we’re going to have really really nicely made divisions I genuinely think that this was a good decision on my part cuz we will incur less deaths the more people we recruit now is what I’m thinking so we’re just going to start training them I know I know it’s

    Something like 1,000 guns and it’s a large investment don’t get me wrong it’s it’s a have you seen Instagram Real’s comments I no I have not I feel like this would be a very very instagrammable thing you know this stream I feel like I would never be able to live it down

    Right on 25% well attention we are going to start gaining base War support because otherwise we do just die okay the Germans claim memo nice congrats guys um congrats Germany you claim memo such a dude it was such a good and large thing that they my game nearly crashed

    They are ruthless but have no mercy I think I’m on Iron Man wait am I on Iron Man I forgot if I’m on Iron Man oh God okay my whole plan is just to have a better a better thing than the Nazis like as in just you know template

    Because as long as I can beat them in template I think it’s fine okay that’s that’s going to be my I think my last changes is just to fill this out with artillery here and they’ll increase everything soon anyway and we’ll have enough weeks between the war yeah we’ll we’ll have enough weeks

    Before the war to have everything running so we’re going to quickly start ciping everything into uh equipment should you put tanks too no no no no cuz we’ve got our tank division that’s why I made it that’s the whole reason why it’s there that’s the whole reason why we have our tank

    Division okay that’s it that was the whole reason why I even made it okay anti-air upgrade absolutely we are going to rule the skies from the ground and there is nothing the Nazis can do about it there’s nothing they can do with our level 9 for at nearly level

    10 dude when this gets made it is finalized they are not moving in cuz that means we actually have greater defense than what France will have and that means when they’re also going to point their direction to the Soviets which is going to be really nice

    For us and I think we’ll win I genuinely think we will beat this because we have made the best form of Luxembourg anyone could have asked for and that’s inclusive of me I didn’t even ask for how good this is I genuinely didn’t think this was

    Going to be so good uh we’re going to get air superiority yes right so now we’re going to have air air stuff as well for no reason right and when this all comes through I think we have a debt of like can I see my debt on

    Manpower no damn um infield 38,000 I think the amount I put is somewhere like 40,000 men and if that is true we have a while to go we have a few weeks of producing Just Guns until we realize how bad of a mistake we made okay I don’t

    Think anyone’s ever played it this way ever you just ignore oring industry ignoring this to just siphon as much through because now that we have a tank Division I think we’ll survive just in general just just complete Victory okay the fate of Czechoslovakia has been done right we need to start getting wary

    Okay King’s OG submits to Italy right we have probably like 70 80 days because yeah Poland isn’t first is it because it goes Poland right this is taken over in 1939 wait 1939 start is this so they go for Poland then they go for us right so when

    Poland starts getting invaded we just we just forcy we do not care how far behind we are we just fortify right and because that’s getting serious then um we also have to get pretty serious about this right we’re going to also make another whe ger have

    Sh good stuff I think I just cry I actually think that is what will happen I think I just tear up like you will see me on stream just break down um 29% right we’re going to start doing radio propaganda wait hey right when that happens we’re going to get some more

    Propaganda basically we’re going to try our hardest to keep War support as high as physically possible although it’s already on the floor right partial fuel gain power oil I I don’t care um um we need to we need to complete things that we’re starting right um export Focus I think we’re just

    Going to do this uh because it speeds everything else up um we’re closing off our country very quickly and we are just finishing off our tenants that we need to do right as soon as this is hey fixer stop I’m glad to see you here here we are Luxembourg

    And our French to our South probably making sure that we don’t die a very sad fate as long as the XP is as high as we can get it’s going to be fine I mean at least Poland Poland has to be invaded first right and if Poland

    Has to be invaded first we’ve actually got a thing we can do okay we at least have something as backup right then done getting taken back in XP and that means it is just 800 weapons to produce that’s fine we can do that before Poland gets

    Here like before Poland Falls and if we can do that before Poland Falls get the extra research slot how Oh you mean down in I technology sharing that’s actually a good idea I like your idea I like your thought process right yeah cuz we don’t actually need yeah I’ll start doing

    Collectivist after we actually start doing the Communist things right we are so going to like die a sad fate right we are going to go into engineering I think it is something like Computing machine I think that’s our next move cuz 1941’s a little far away and oh anti-tank actually anti-tank

    First cuz everything else gives us a debuff and we may as well just not waste our time missing equipment production to do we need a to artillery let check our Logistics yes yes we do Jesus Christ we need it um to artillery right there now quick Jesus Christ I didn’t know I

    Didn’t know that we needed that uh thank you Game for telling me that we are missing production right that could have been a little bit sad right my plan is to reintegrate these guys ASAP um and just like add extra anti-air or something you know right before the war

    If it’s possible if it’s not possible I give up on it extra research slot too no no you need 50 I saw that no I’m so sorry to tell you completely impossible completely completely unable to happen my guy okay so we can modify our government we can you see there’s

    Nothing we can do unless we hire Oliver to just beat him back down with anti-democratic raids that we could try but other than that um I don’t know there’s not really much boy here’s an alien emoji thank you thank you so much I will take that alien emoji and take it

    Take it straight into flounders Fields I have you know I I shall I shall torture every single Nazi that we take every single life that they’ve made impossible for us to live they shall pay right I don’t I don’t think we have enough time

    To do any of this do we we can’t upgrade any of this anymore I I think this is all fine I think we can actually get away with the fighting the Nazis like this okay if we had enough time I would create an agency wait we could create an

    Agency if we give up all our trade right now right I give up those two trades right I think we could get away wait can please say we can create an agency no I really thought we could get away with that two months away what to the

    War you know you know when the war starts oh God thank you for telling me my good sir it’s July and World War II may happen soon my comrades my brothers everyone I need to declare now I don’t even know if that’s a good idea you know [ __ ] it it’s a good idea

    It’s always been a good idea right let’s trade Soviet Union right scre better better weapons better everything La incident yes my men my women my children my brothers we shall lead the world into a new age after we get rid of this scum of the West we shall Prevail because you probably Germany

    Won’t attack me yeah no there’s a chance that they won’t attack me directly first but then again oh um don’t worry about it don’t worry about it it’s not my backup plan I don’t have a toal the hot key just so I can just like click H

    And just nuke Germany to [ __ ] like okay okay okay all the mod does is add a shortcut where H is just the bomb button I would I would never plan to get rid of people that’s that’s for bad people cor us I would never do something

    Like that come on you guys know me please say we can do more propaganda I am so sad right I’m I mean we could reorganize the railway the great Railway of nothing we just have everything right okay it’s 0.4 Years will’ll be fine okay I am actually considering to go

    Into speed running the light okay I think we’re fine I think for the most part we are fine on everything we’re going to research this for greater outputs because otherwise we will not be able to keep up with the demands of what we need you know I will take Bulgaria

    And rebuild the great Bulgarian Empire oh my God yes do it I will be proud the day that you can do that you see for me though there we go oh my wait wait wait what wait Soviets Please I mean hear me out hear me out Ju Just just hear me out guys we build an air base and we fight the Nazis through the air through the skies guys the skies we will’ll have a superiority definitely right to be fair if we can Bond them we would have air

    Superiority and with that we could just get Cass imagine close air support Soviet attack Poland but Ally don’t attack them Poland refuses the referendum You can get nuclear effort and secret weapons fun fact if you take them at different times you’ll be able to build the nuclear reactors and get that early my guy if I can fly a nuke into Germany I am going to do it for PO for

    For Poland will be Avenged for they will turning Communists probably look at that great communist W what’s non Ali and I’ve never heard of it they’re a communist country to our knowledge and we shall be deluded enough to believe so right we have we have so much in the way

    Of just weapons right now weapon production is an alltime high in our great Union oh my God we are actually just making Fortress Luxemburg It’s Just Happening there’s no way there’s no way that the German force can just like penetrate through us right this like we we’re strong we’re strong as

    [ __ ] okay look we don’t we don’t need to we don’t need to think about how awful this plan actually is for us we shall win we will bring political correctness into the field so that we may politically destroy these people who threaten our entire form of life those people shall be

    Thwarted for the sake of Luxembourg and for the sake of the kingdoms of which we stand upon right we will not join the this failed finish attack I don’t know what the Soviet Union’s actually thinking the crack that they are smoking right now is something

    Else I mean to be fair they are winning at some areas like that those tanks that they have yes s right we will not be able to help the Soviets very easily you know all that we will be is a destroy Who whoo okay our neighbors are being gobbled up

    We shall not give a centimeter we shall not give a millimeter we shall stay and we shall fight we are going to win for the sake of everyone that could possibly be here for us branching defend yeah absolutely give us more XP right the Netherlands have failed the Netherlands have failed right

    Norway is being attacked and if we get declared war on we shall bring the Soviets into the war oh God this is going to be such a bad idea I mean Lithuania still stands I mean these countries have to give up now if they don’t give up now we

    Might actually have a problem here right our war support is at an alltime high meaning everything that we are doing yes War propaganda quickly it’s clear that the Nazis are for us next I hope that we are prepared long and hard enough we might we might just

    Be taking out first thing like there is no way that communist Utopia can stay forever but we shall try we shall hold our heads up high at this attempt the Netherlands have capitulated I forgot yet they can attack us from multiple ways we’re not the first attacked maybe they just don’t attack us

    That would be nice oh oh France is being attacked oh damn okay that’s interesting well we we get to peacefully sit here as a communist blip like like imagine like politically this is wild you’ve got a communist imag no line bro the ma no line we have increased it by

    One bro I have you know the time that I have spent making sure that our country could make the same so that Mao line is actually wild okay we literally have nearly fully maxed out everything everything just to make sure that we can last cuz as long

    As we don’t just keep getting hit we’re fine as as long as they don’t realize that we can’t stand on our own two legs we’re actually okay right logistically we’re fine yeah we’ve got 15 anti-air we’re we’re we’re doing it okay we’re getting improved Machine Tools so we can

    Just make [ __ ] tons of one thing and then just keep do you know Order 66 yes Execute Order 66 that is exactly what I was thinking this game is right okay uh what else can we do right we could actually get for that but the oh no it’s nothing we have it’s actually

    Just not worth our time defense 5% we’re finally doing it we’re finally doing defense right cuz we’re not going to be able to make planes for a while I I’ve came under the illusion that planes are useless to make right I think this is going to be fine okay this isn’t a d

    Situation I think we can win this personally I think this is a good situation okay look the Nazis can’t make it to Norway yet so that’s good for us and because Belgium’s Belgium’s living is they’re not going to declare no well if we take a step back that’s a bit

    Concerning but yeah we shall not step back for anyone for anything okay we shall indoctrinate our people into believing that we are the best country you can physically get because that is the truth there’s nothing we cannot do as a country you know I’m more concerned about their tanks than of anything else

    Right can I just design a Division I I I want create an empty yes right what I want to do is just anti-tank like I literally just want to create artillery that is it that is genuinely the whole plan okay we’re going to siphon enough that we can just

    Make this okay this this is my end game plan that’s it so we’re going to spend we’re going to spend as much as we can now making Army template one we we’re going to we going to call it uh get wrecked Germany Get Wrecked ger Germany oh wait caps lock whoops

    Get wck Germany okay that if we can make that we win we win the war because it is anti everything in defense my dudes the defense on that should be absolutely manic okay if we look at defense somewhere it’s somewhere here anyway it doesn’t matter tiny tiny amounts of

    Everything but do you see the soft attack it’s ridiculous good goodness gracious it is fine look at this we have perfect divisions we’ve got perfect tenants and because Belgium still lives because they can’t use Luxembourg to attack anywhere you do realize that’s the whole reason why they’re living

    Allies might actually just not lose because of this because of me being an absolute dick the Allies might actually be able to last us because they cannot take this province cuz they cannot take Luxembourg this is fine this is a good day for luxembourgish people I really thought

    That was on us see they’re going for everyone but us cuz we’re just that we are the strongest Nation right screw it we’re going to stop trading with Portugal they’re also neutral screw we don’t we don’t need you the issue is all our trade goes to zero very quickly that’s why I’m siphoning

    Everything to make stuff now I bet German planes are engaging yeah I I bet that that’s happening we just we just can’t see it cuz we’re in the commin we are the strongest Alliance we are the strongest single country on Earth [ __ ] it you know what it’s it would be

    Funny yep yep you just saw me do that because as long as we can get indoctrination political commissar and Technology I think we’re actually fine cuz as I think I think we can hold out here with this many divisions I actually think it’s possible just to sit this out and just in case

    Not we are going to create another new empty one which is just it’s it’s just a few men I don’t I don’t know what everyone else was probably expecting it’s not anything crazy it it’s just it is just a three men to add enough HP that we just don’t

    Die cuz they have to engage all of our men at once oh God Paris f oh no that’s sad I love Paris it was quite a nice holiday once I mean I’ve never been to Paris in my life I’ve actually been only up here I I think I

    Was here um cuz that’s like gra Sean make some Get Wrecked Germany I will make some Get Wrecked Germany would you like a I’ll make one get wrecked Germany coming up right that does mean that we have to siphon everything back Okay so we’ve got improved that’s anti-air that’s

    Anti-tank and you can see that once again we are perfect on everything right because our country is perfect that’s what everyone forgets we’ll make it we’re making a get wreck Germany okay look we’ll have enough in the stockpile to be fair I am somewhat concerned now that we are actually fully fully

    Surrounded but we will have a get wreck Germany so I don’t know um peasantry peasants right and that that will be that would be a good enough design probably cuz the issue is we’re not making any more of these infantry divisions that’s just impossible we just will not have enough time to actually

    Make them all together we’ll just have them as different things cuz we would never get a large enough stop power like that again okay I think I think we will be able to survive with us I mean like even if Germany like decided that it it was completely implausible to kill us right

    And sorry completely plausible to kill us and kept running at us they would lose so many men for doing so it’s ridiculous and bombing doesn’t work due to the anti-air I think we might win this okay we’re going to go for war economy um just so we have more civilan

    Factories um because that’s just really nice to have so we can make things faster yep 13th of March ah yes I think when we get pulled into the war is when the Soviets get pulled into the war we we’ll join the Soviets make sure to use support things nah who who need support

    Anyways not me God these people these people thinking that I need support H honestly we don’t need support we just need Manpower and Naval treaties imagine if you could like if you could have navies without land that would it be insane like imagine if you had like the current Austrian Navy I

    Think I would like genuinely like love this game so much for it okay like we you’re going to see me suddenly go adult serve like as soon as the Germans declare war it’s all adult serve no second thought that’s called a river Navy Paraguay has it yeah no no no no no no

    Um what I mean is Austria oh yeah yeah they have a river Navy yeah yeah okay that makes sense so I was sitting there like no they don’t no that’s not no they do they do they do if Rivers could be used for navies I

    Think like just in CK like I wish in CK like you would have to actually guide yourselves down the river and like the whole way instead of walking places so you couldn’t be attacked you know as like the Vikings or something I’m a massive nerd for that game by the way

    Guys I just need to tell you all that as a bit of context before you’re like what the hell is this man blabbing on about right I I think we’ll be fine fine I mean I’m sitting down having quite a nice time y um again none of this is

    Worth while um tank designer I mean I could do service by requirement now but it’s just not worth it cuz we do we do just have the Manpower we do just have everything you know you know Green Screen kits uh no I’ve never heard of

    That in my 18 years of existing I have never heard of that in my life right soon we are at right we are at 5 so we are making our final military Factory because we literally cannot make more oh we can that’s brilliant yep no no no no

    No no no straight up straight up yep make make make them make them we need we need as much I it would be funny to make an Air Force but like we genuinely do just need this okay we are sitting here we have bought time because we’re

    Communist you see that’s what you do communist communist Luxenberg just the best there are kids who green screen videos don’t talk and don’t give credit that’s awful imagine being a green screen kid wouldn’t be me you know in fact I’m tempted to do that just for a

    [ __ ] gig like like I will give credit and all that but like imagine me just putting commentary just pretending to play the game that would be so awful for of me right they’re part of the axess right they’re not but they would join they’re not but they may join right

    Got you the thing is if I can limit trade now it does actually mean that the likelihood of me dying later lower and I like that idea of not dying okay instilled aggression you know you know I do just want the XP is there a way to okay we’ll go Academy scholarships this

    Is so dumb okay uh um ground attack uh blah blah blah uh projection power fighter detection plus 10% air Mission efficiency Ace Effectiveness we’re going to go that this is going to be fine okay I believe in all of us that we can just win okay we can just win without second

    Thought or second need okay yes construction two so that we can just like not die the comments of our videos are # green screen kids and other anti-g green screen kid comments I mean to be fair to be fair that is based I’m I’m very Pro

    Anti- green screen kid right I kind of want the Allies to lose right I know that’s like really anti- Luxembourg talk here but I I do want to make the whole ass you know Treaty of London happen but I don’t think that’s possible if I can’t own Luxembourg I want Luxembourg

    To be annexed or something by Germany so I can just Annex this bit or like they surrender or something like I really want to I want I want to see what happens here like what what do I become the benal Socialist state would that not be the hottest thing you’ve seen this

    Year if Germany had a good Navy they would have won yeah actually you you’re actually speaking facta if they did that would be absolutely brilliant for them I mean to be fair I’m glad I’m doing this part of the tree for the fact that this

    Is the part that I neglected in my Army so is just picking up the slack okay so how much do I have 33 until 33 until I’m actually all right okay ideological fanaticism and then we have to be at Warf for the next one let’s hope let’s hope we can get

    Something something out of this okay I mean I am so tempted to go straight there estimated enemy strength yeah it’s over 100% of our strength definitely right we almost have one get wck Germany produced we are going to produce only one get wck Germany for now and then make the peasants I am

    Genuinely going to make like a really large division for this right I mean how much Manpower is is that Manpower 8,000 let’s just make it 10,000 right and then just artillery backline yes right I’m thinking just that bit of support something like support and yeah support artillery I think that would be

    Amazing more peasants we just need more peasants I mean like as soon as we’re done with all of our artillery and everything I think I will just make the largest division I can as Luxemburg wait for more green star things yeah that’s kind of what I’m doing it’s very

    Slow I’m also just waiting for this to this is very painfully slow right I mean I’m tempted to siphon yeah you know what I’m siphoning this production so that at least the anti-air will be done you know at the same time as the anti-tank cuz otherwise it it’s

    Going to be painful there going to be a painful weight otherwise cuz one get wck Germany is going to be worth quite a fair amount in the next few years I mean we don’t even have mon Tech right now like we don’t have the best tech like our improved tank we haven’t

    Got as a full division of it cuz you can see here that we’re plus 49 yeah plus 49 old tanks that’s that means we have 49 of the new tanks made for that division out of 150 which isn’t amazing but hey ho we can win and you know what we have more time

    To prepare cuz we bought our time and we are that entrenched that they’re never going to expect us like the Spanish Inquisition we have nearly full equipment oh my God oh my God it’s been made we have a get wck Germany made right I would train him up I would but I don’t

    Know if we actually have time to train him up actually [ __ ] it I make yeah I can make another it’s SC we’re making a second army guys this is called the training Army right right this is the training Army where we’re going to [ __ ] 10 10,000 [ __ ]

    [ __ ] [ __ ] on it I mean it’s going to be filled with all of the bad guns from before right all of the bad guns but it is so going to be worth our while it’s insane right 2.5 years right that’s really sad really bad but because we’re

    Not going to be at War we can do secret weapons and then that’s plus 100% And just make it actually viable to do imagine that and then bang and then bang and then bang cuz that’s soon research more Pew pews I mean yeah but the Pew pews they’re just far

    Away you know I I don’t think it’s actually worth my while right now you know what is worth my while though is Radio detection so we can get coordination at least that would be nice to actually be able to coordinate our men and then after this new Factory’s

    Been made what I’m going to do is just keep them permanently on weapons just permanently so we can have this running the whole way like we can have one permanently on Infantry equipment one permanently on you get what I mean so we’ll never run out uh we can have one on everything and

    Possibly even make planes soon if we get that chance that’s the if we right see this light tank trassy not very nice we got 99 to make to make the whole thing I do not want to start doing that um because that’s just ages away but this improved artillery uh we trade yeah

    Not Portugal Soviet Union whilst we can CU we will just soon not be able to trade I can’t say the word that starts with G because it will not show on live chat I am sorry ah yes your Weaponry right I get what you’re meaning right we’re

    Climatized yeah this this could to be fine I I really imagine this is going to be fine right The Peasants are nearly are going to be trained soon [ __ ] I cannot believe the peasants even exist let alone considering to actually wow it’s going to be amazing so

    We’re going to have something made in less than 70 days just so we’ll be able to do something or we cut it off cuz we do need to start making these reactors you know it is just a thing we need to do hey look at that construction to

    Perfect if you get super Heavies put them on get wck germanies honestly I might I might put them on the get wck Germany’s um I am just training up the get wck Germany cuz I do need the 20% but like on the side here like heavy

    Tank yeah I I see what you mean it does make sense it does make sense just we’re a while we’re a while away like that’s 160 days that’s 200 days that’s that’s so long you know but I will consider it because super heavy oh my God they’re

    Going to be insanely good okay me and the help of YouTube chat we shall win this and if we win this I shall make an edit of this this will become a video and you are watching a video live I guess well it’s it’s a stream but shh it

    Will be fine it will be a video soon right and when they’re trained they get taken over to this one to entrench oh that’s such a good plan so when the peasants get done they’ll be taken to platinum presents okay I cannot believe we just have a team of just

    Peasants this is so bad right yeah foret right Germany’s I think I’ll put like he like heavy tanks on or something like that like or just of our light tanks from before yeah some something that we can actually like make and keep okay I am very not prepared for this

    Norway has capitulated before we’ve even been invaded oh Italy was in that damn okay okay [ __ ] I’m really just hoping that Hungary doesn’t join if these guys don’t join uh Russia has a chance just to take Germany out instantly and that means I can just expand instantly I mean to be

    Fair I will win battles like it is very probable I actually win battles against the Germans here and that would be hilarious imagine just like I just win just straight up okay so we have 900 political power we canot use it for anything um it just getting serviced by requirement

    Instantly enclosed economy that kind of thing that’s really sad okay uh intelligence agencies yeah yeah I think we just make we just Annex here or something afterwards and yeah we we win we we win we we get that okay the Communist Victory will happen communist communist Luxembourg will

    Demand these two cuz we are going to have a high amount of War support for this war right that that’s guaranteed like actually absolutely guaranteed right we are going to siphon through the peasants now I think cuz they’re going to stop training yeah the peasants oh my God oh my Jesus

    [ __ ] peasants stop training [ __ ] we lost the peasants we’re Fine oh God we lost a lot of men there oh here we are wow I was thinking they were going to give us a few more days than that I was mistaken right well we’re going to very quietly start adding some forces in yeah [ __ ] there we are we are lasting right

    How many tanks are we costing zero [ __ ] brilliant yes you see the communist state of Luxembourg is so godamn good that we just never needed anything else right you can just see it doesn’t even matter that our infrastructure is hurt it actually just doesn’t brosies we are fine we are fine

    As a country and we shall last forever honestly they thought they could pile drive us to the ground they cannot are we losing men that’s really the question I think we’re actually not losing Men by much I mean we lost 15,000 to begin with but we are not losing 500 people a week

    Cuz it’s been like 2 weeks meaning we do still gain as an economy and we do still manage to do that right let’s cut off our trade let’s go straight construction right straight total mobilization close the economy we shall gain our Resources by ourselves everything but tungsten is by the great

    Luxembourgish state right here we are here it is we shall last forever we we are literally going to stay here till Germany collapses we are the reason why Germany will collapse right we will go fight a det action formation fly right oh gosh not the total mobilization your Manpower is ruined

    What my manow is not ruined my manow never existed I don’t know what you’re talking about we can make an agency we can do it that was a [ __ ] idea wait no no no no no no we like have six we cannot do that right here we are

    We’re proving more of a threat to them than they first suceeded we’re fine we’re fine in everything we actually somehow are why are we going down in man power how many of us are dying none of us no one’s dying why are we down in manow got you right War economy back yes

    We will not ruin our Manpower right get the research slot thank you right 144 days we shall get technology sharing for my brothers my sisters of the commune we will never fall yeah we we just aren’t falling actually this is perfect okay yeah we’re we’re fine we’re

    Fine we can actually stay like this weirdly like I said Grant to foret Germany did die but it’s fine okay it was only a matter of time till we getet W Germany’s just didn’t are we holding I think we are our entrenchment is just so good that their their divisions are

    Ruined how many by us are we oh my God oh my God we are responsible of so many casualties we are going to win World War II what the V2s launch I think I die I think that’s actually what happens right air superiority we don’t have air

    Superiority but what we do have is enough anti-air to disrupt so much we are in the perfect disruptance point because they have to be able to remove us now it just isn’t happening no we’re not calling the Soviets into the war we are going to ruin their Manpower by

    Ourselves Russia’s probably like ah why did you want in it was just so that they would ruin their Manpower on us first and a weak Germany fights Russia well anti- a tech did you do by the way it directly affects the stationary AA stats oh yeah no it’s fine

    I have done as much AA as possible okay genuinely if we check my artillery we will be researching improved anti-air very soon we will be getting it done and we will destroy the German forces all together we will produce one more division so that we just cannot fall the

    Germans are trying their hardest and yet we shall never fall are we losing anything no we’re not no we actually just aren’t losing anything this is great I think it’s cuz we had those weapons like we aren’t losing weapons we’re losing nothing we actually just aren’t losing resources it’s really good for

    Us um yeah we can deal with the anti-air change yeah okay um what else can we deal with okay we’re going to have concentrated industry that’s going to be brilliant uh focus on getting a super heavy I don’t think it matters I really don’t think it matters because their

    Tech isn’t going to matter cuz our Tech scill is faster than theirs as they have to do Navy as well which they’re going to have to put a lot on Navy to beat Britain which means they will just be beaten back really fast if they keep

    Trying to expend on me cuz what they don’t realize is I don’t want to move from Luxembourg yeah we’ve incurred 16,000 deaths we’re gaining Manpower here we’re gaining uh we have 9% of the war score by ourselves oh my God it’s just going up we are going to be the reason why

    Germany dies oh my God and soon because of how fast our XP is going up due to every single battle we’re put in due to all of this oh and we get a new okay I think I will siphon this into tanks just in case right we are just in

    Deb in a lot of things right but as long as we can make what we need to make it’ll be fine thankfully the AI doesn’t know what a railway is no it doesn’t it’s brilliant yeah we’re we’re just incurring victory after Victory they cannot make a centimeter on our free

    Land that’s what I’m telling you a centimeter it is all British all British people are sitting there like what is going on in Luxembourg today and when we reply we’ll say freedom joins a faction research group I actually think that’s a good idea we’ll technology share because

    Honestly we just need to uh we have nothing else that we can do right we have an extra piece of research now I think we’re just going to do improved artillery uh yeah soft attack I would love 10% um yep yep they’ve just given they’ve just given up they’ve given up

    And once they’ve given up uh quickly throw him in to quickly exist and we did it he’s in I think he dies all no he doesn’t die we’re perfect we’re golden we’re golden we’re golden we’re golden he’s integrated into the army he’s Perfect Right perfect brilliant he’ll never be affected

    Right that was not concerning oh my God that was a close call that was a really close call oh thank God and he everyone will upgrade and there aren’t deaths in our country because that’s just not how we rock en roll anymore we don’t die we just kill

    To be fair we haven’t we haven’t lost many men at all we are just gaining Manpower meaning we will be able to make an army oh we will continue this War up until Germany’s Decline and collapse I mean they’re probably thinking what the [ __ ] is going on they’re probably getting reserves right

    No no it’s just us Germany’s Germany when they realize is just us consumer goods minus yeah that that would be nice actually uh propaganda films I would love to make some right uh war bonds I think that would be nice but I don’t know why we would need

    One screw it let’s have all of our let’s have seven out seven working on making things right we’re going to we’re going to make radar and everything uh can we make anything like that no we can’t no we can’t Supply Hub we we’re golden

    Um air air base I guess I I don’t know I don’t know what we can make here anymore we we genuinely just have enough that we can survive like it’s 5 Years cuz we only have one tank division and that’s what I was thinking if we just make it

    So we can just stay there because our HP is so bloody High ah Doctrine available right Max planning yeah sure Grand battle I mean I I’m only here for the defense but like you know we may as well we may as well right this is going to be by far my

    Longest stream of all time because we are going to incur as many casualties to the Germans as physically possible okay look at that Rosa Luxembourg is skyrocketing oh my God everyone must be like what the [ __ ] I mean like what can we see anything about them at the moment right

    Manpower 2 million we have destroyed 10% of their army already soon they won’t have an army if they keep attacking I mean like they’re already declining in their equipment against us cuz you lose equipment if you lose a Bassel we’re gaining yeah consistently on the rise right that’s a bit concerning I

    Don’t like that idea that we’re slowly losing tanks cuz if we lose all of our tanks we are a bit [ __ ] oh wait no no no no that’s let’s stop ping that we’re fine on tank still I believe cuz we’re just we’re just taking them

    Out what comes to wor we go down in the amount of Them but yeah um we’re going to increase our anti-air just whilst we have a nice Gap to do so and it’s all going to be fine but yeah as as for great Soviet Luxembourg that we are we shall make sure these Nazis die 235 237,000 casualties and climbing we

    Could pull the Soviets in but we don’t want the Germans to be able to have the gratification of doing it dude research trains dude why trains we’re not expanding anywhere we are staying put we are staying put as we are by the way nice um look if I research trains we lose out

    On everything else okay and honestly I’m not here I’m not here for the dying I’m not here for death okay okay emergency Factory conversion we don’t need that we cannot have that actually um okay we’re going to be fine I think in general we’re going to have a lot

    More than what we need okay what I’m going to do is just keep improving like increasing the light tank amount because otherwise we could be toppled cuz as soon as we lose a battle here it will be bad like well when we lose one battle we

    Lose the tree so yes it will be horrible okay assembly line production we are going to increase this we do not need trains we just don’t we just we just do not need a train in this world okay we’re going to make one more Division and our divisions are becoming

    Really good I mean like insanely good because of how many Germans we’re slaughtering in battle here the amount we are has a uh I do believe so because the German planes they’re not affecting us greatly like we just have a few infrastructure problems every once in a

    While meaning yeah that I I do believe cuz the bombing does take it back a little bit and we do have stability issues due to you know bombing but other than that I think we are fine so we’ll just go with that okay um thank you for trying like helping me out there

    Just in case Ah that’s 100% we will wait we will wait okay I columa uh do we do a Computing machine that would be really effective actually I think I do Computing machine cuz then soon as that’s done we have a shot at getting that cuz we don’t need coordination or

    Anything like that um what else is there that could get not really much I guess equipment that’ll bite us enough time oh and then we have to make that decision again bloody brilliant just as I thought everything was okay right we’re going to do to Rocket artillery you see everyone thinks that

    The Communist game isn’t strong and I tell you now communist Luxembourg is the strongest communist n Nation you can get bad weather penalties minus 40% absolutely brilliant as soon as we’re able to get a Navy we’ll have a very strong Navy and you might be like oh why

    Did we go down in a lot of Manpower really quickly have have you lost like a lot of men nah nah we’ve we’ve lost about a th000 men for that this is an insane KD this is actually Insanity they have stopped attacking oh I wish our men were much closer to

    The what the hell thank you thank you for the Twix man sorry my brother just came in and thw threw at me a Twix I mean I’ll take it yo I cannot hear when my brother comes in and out of the room do you mind closing the door fully than thank

    You yeah that’s actually close Okay that’s brilliant right well we can’t flee anywhere and they did cause a slight Dent which could be a bit concerning right we’re going to introduce him now and we’re going to yeah we got him okay hey fou research armored vehicles it’s fine it’s fine we

    Do not need anything because they’re wasting all of our Manpower on us right as soon as they’re back yeah see that oh no they’re going to want to attack us again what’s a shame waste your man power right and then we can even plan on making planes soon which will be amazing

    I’m glad to see you here right here we are possibly the final stretch of what we need right the Germans are itching at War I can feel it I can feel it in my thighs the Germans probably want war against the Soviets ASAP I mean the axis

    Has expanded and it is a bit sad but as long as they’re weak enough I think I think the longer I give it between the Soviets fighting the more likelihood Starling grad goes the same way so I’m just letting history take place there I love it that I nearly have 20% of the

    Entire goal of the war because just the amount of kills that I’ve caused I’m just looking over each and every country to see if I come up on all of them uh I’m only looked on by the Germans at the moment but um we’re we’re we’re working on nearly 400,000

    Kills and that means the Germans will never have enough military might to think it’s good to go against the Russians and so they’ll keep fighting me and die why did we suddenly go down in manow sorry I looked away for 5 seconds what is this right okay we might have to press the

    Trigger button here which would be really sad why have we lost so many men okay two 2,000 men why did we lose so many I’m a bit concerned cuz we haven’t lost those men those men aren’t dead prob bombing I don’t know maybe bombing maybe bombing yeah that makes

    Sense um then again we don’t have the deaths to say that’s likely I don’t know we’ll rebuild in Manpower if it gets concerning we’ll go up oh probably bombing to the civilians got you yeah probably civilian bombing that’s that’s likely that’s likely cuz like people in the factories and such that makes

    Sense okay and then we’re just going to improved anti tank yeah they’re not going to have an opportunity to fight properly cuz it keeps getting upgraded maybe just the division’s got reinforce maybe maybe finally there was enough to reinforce them then again we had Max reinforcement oh maybe it was I don’t

    Know I really don’t know what it could have been could have been losses oh could just be this division uh let’s see how much Manpower that is yeah 10,000 manow it just a new division I’m getting the new really nice flexy one uh we’re not making another peasants

    One for a while because peasants just didn’t work I want build an Airfield and get PL oh we already have an Airfield we’re just we’ve just got bigger fish to fry and everything else so what we’re going to start doing is yeah start building plans we’re going to start

    Making Fighters and start doing in you know interception to make sure bombers don’t exist so we’re going to try to speedrun to Fighter 2 I believe it is uh cuz 3 is out later yeah so we have four research slots which is actually just sick

    Um I think this is going to be fine cuz we’re going to get plus 10 10% you know defense soon and yeah I’ve not called anyone into war when the battle suddenly turns to us dying and before it hits 24 I am just going to just quickly be like yep

    Stalin war and then you know I can be Avenged but I don’t think that’s going to happen for a while I really don’t think that’s going to happen right I think that’s fine to pop him in now right and we’re going to wait for multiple more thousand people yeah we’re

    Fine look at that yeah we’re wakey wakey could upgrade your agency I could I could I could but I am also making I am not making other things let’s go do it right boomy uh secret police boom SP right anyone do anything nefarious in my Soviet state you get purged okay we understand

    This anyone do anything wrong you die right 1.1 M oh my God we’re about to incur a million deaths for Christ’s sake I’m redoing the Polish game it’s happening I mean we’re nearly a quarter of the war school they they’re going to have a hard time attacking me oh wait

    Why did I say that oh no no I’m doing it now just cuz you said it now basically what I’m going to do because yeah I’d have German ethnic people meaning I’m going to start producing propaganda we’re going to make them communist that is our Ang goal communist Germany splits

    Oh my no I’m joking that would be insane though Germany fools the Communist Germany in 1945 the game we might we might be fighting for a few years here okay Institute press censorship we could do that we could increase our stability our war support is so high

    Because they’re not going to fly bombers over us they don’t want to fly bombers over us because it’s stupid and we are straining the Western Front if they did dday the issue is all of our supply is getting stunted here right everything everything because they have to go over

    These lines which are occupi territories meaning they aren’t going to be able to get as much through right I’m going to go for improved anti-air upgrade one and that is going to be bloody brilliant right what is that like rocket artillery yeah to Rocket the issue with rocket artillery I

    Feel is even if I’m able to add it is is defense 12 actually what’s that defense 15 nope break through soft attack soft attack it it’s a little bit more [ __ ] it’s not very good you could just crack the German intelligent that’s kind of what I’m thinking just actually crack it

    Cuz we have the political power to do so right we actually have enough political power to do everything I just know how to make a ground Army really effectively I understand the ground so well that these Germans are not going to be able to make a centimeter on me right we are going

    To right what we’re going to do we’re going to add a light tank on you might be like baboomi that’s an awful idea yes yes it is is actually astoundingly awful right it takes us back in a lot of ways but we have enough tanks to be able to

    Cle and do this right in fact we are going to start making the outdated chassis that we had ages ago because we want tanks we want more tanks in fact okay what we’re going to do with this intelligence agency is in 30 days become a spy Master then with that we can have

    30 like three of people look at that elusive gentleman brilliant with that elusive gentleman we could have two people in Berlin with two people in Berlin we could half their attack and with half of their attack score they will be losing a lot more men yep no I

    Know outdated equipment I know the game’s probably warning me being like what on Earth are you doing but it doesn’t matter what we put in this division as long as we have it we are going to make one get wreck Germany it’ll take about 50 OD

    Tanks which is fine and it will take a lot of to artillery of which we don’t really have but with one get wreck Germany we will be I cannot believe I made it get Buffs with rocket research right that’s why okay we’re actually going to take that back and we are going

    To make artillery just straight up straight up improved artillery cuz I don’t know why we don’t have it right we’re going to pop it there so we have an even better time in making it right I think we’re going to be fine I think in general this state is so

    Prosperous we could probably take a state and get away with it I’m almost tempted to try that theory and liberate bitburg imagine imagine I could actually fully liberate this land just for our brothers and sisters of the Republic we shall remove this essence of which they call fascism socialist sorry national

    Socialism I say is the worst thing to taint this land and our people and therefore we shall make sure that we can take out every last one of them oh my God 30% bro bro this is this is wrong there are levels of wrong here so you’re telling

    Us we can entrench harder we can entrench more if we weren’t entrenched enough we can entrench even harder my dude my dude my Germany it is over Germany you are done my God no if if bro you cannot fight you cannot fight this level of entrenchment right stability at War

    Ruling party yeah resistance in occupied territories what do you mean occupied ter what what do you oh I’m I’m having problems I’m having problems with this game okay 97 out of 108 we will be fine to make a get wck Germany and with one get wck Germany we should be able to

    Make it so they can never win a battle whatsoever full stop keep in mind we have so many extra upgrades keeping us propping us up but they will never be able to take us I actually believe that even with Max equipment on the German side they will

    Not be able to do it Germany would have to stop everything that they’re doing to attack us and in fact they soon won’t have an wait you’re telling me that we don’t have anyone okay tough enemy intel extraction rate that’s amazing uh boost yes our first lady is

    Here right we’re going to not create any intel stuff until we have two people here so in the boom SP we need two people making stuff and that will be fine and then we can start making an Air Force and when that’s made we will control this region with an absolute Iron Fist

    Right just like Daddy Stalin would have wanted right where can I go with us we are do not have enough anything to construction five Perfect Construction five so that we can just have everything right yeah they are they are completely at their own ends they’re sitting there like we

    Cannot fight anything America has joined the war we have lasted so long that America has joined my guys Luxembourg oh no German R is justifying against us again go on try it it worked for the first time view achievements I don’t know if there’s an achievement for

    This but I wish there were okay here we are we are at War and we will conquer see 500,000 kills says that they cannot do [ __ ] against us us they’re wasting so many resources and the Allies will come through so much quicker and when they try to when the Allies think that we’re

    On side we’ll prove to them we’re not and you see that that’s the recovery rate that I get W Germany needs it is fast it is maneuverable and my God it tells them to get [ __ ] they cannot do anything it is just destruction in Dar it you see how the

    Germans don’t want to attack us anymore it’s because they just know they lose their battle full stop right what level are our people four and three you see our first battle was the closest battle after the first battle it was confirmed we would win but just on the

    Off chance I was sitting there like let’s be wary let’s be wary the whole time right does it mean control control not form right so technically before the end of the war if we can take all of that land we can make the L lands and then

    Have claims and then with the Soviets oh oh my God yes okay so Escape arst Commando and Seducer y we have uh two first ladies of the Republic and we’re going to set them both into Brandenburg both Straight Into the Heart of the Lions both straight right there you need

    To have three agency things okay uh we are going to do operations defense no intelligence I I don’t know operative training Commander tra I yeah sure why not that can’t seem bad ah yes and when we have three we can get a third one and with a third one we

    Can just we can just politically destroy the country destroy the country we’re meant to be fighting oh no All of These Warnings I have just very I have just ignored right because we just aren’t even fighting battles anymore we can just look at that look at

    That it is just sexy we get we getting enough we we have so many so much equipment that we can just fly a plane out look at that oh it doesn’t even matter that we don’t have the resources for any of these that you know we’re horribly in debt in everything

    It’s mainly because we can’t trade anything but when Rosa Luxembourg you know when we first formed and Gustav labau first took over our country really improved from the inside to the outside we shall forever be grateful to Gustav and to myself the true dictator of this Rebellion he is butter

    Ploy I genuinely think that it’s probably pretty good going if even Germany doesn’t want to attack you in World War II Germany is scared of us in fact right we need more artillery before we even start making that kind of thing right improved artillery yeah we need like 83 to reinforce that’s just

    Yeah I mean to be fair we could probably start making another get wck Germany but we would have to siphon everything out H yeah it’s not bad it’s not like they’re attacking anyway yeah we we’ve actually gotten away with us right operative training interrogation techniques absolutely

    Right I got ex I got an extremely dumb wait you guys get ads what sorry I’m not monetized on this channel they’re siphoning me for everything more than these Germans are trying to oh my God that’re they’re trying again it’s just not working I have 28% of the war score I’m so

    Tempted I am so tempted [ __ ] Lord [ __ ] Lord that was such a bad idea Jesus God I got another video h i don’t good to know you don’t get ads I was going to say I’m not even monetized I’m not going to say anything about that because otherwise you know YouTube will

    Get funny at me but um yeah I you could probably guess what I’m going to say with that yeah when I am uh montiz I please I would like to eat but like I’m not monetized so for the time being guys for the time being okay so we are just

    About to have everything going right YouTube loves us right now and we’re going to keep it that way and we are going to keep it that democracy is not needed we do not need these Democratic PES we have prepared defense we have they are not moving into US Luxembourg

    Stands Strong Jesus Christ oh Barbarosa is beginning oh oh God sucks to be them I guess laau we don’t even have play we can’t we just can’t support them I mean to be fair at least they’re holding oh my God wait they’re holding they’re holding

    Wait wait hold for it we kept them out so long that they’re actually holding oh my this is hot this is hot I mean like they’re losing but this is hot there are enough deaths to actually say that it was a good idea right we caused enough

    Deaths that I do actually think that there is a probable cause that the Soviets will be able to fight this with us cuz all we’re going to do at the end is basically stab a victory right 82% what else do we need right yeah that’s

    Fine you know this this is this is a very hot system going on here yeah the sovi has never wanted to trade anything with us you what Soviets I will allow you to join the German Soviet War yep I don’t I don’t know why that’s allowed right uh yeah join my War guys

    Join join it okay so the communist republic of Luxembourg is actually standing I did not think I’d be able to stand here today proud arm inarm with each other for we are all equal in this world this great world of our communist Utopia diplomatic training we’ll be able to stand arm in

    Arm once more for when Stalin is dethroned it will be a sad day but Gustav will never truly be dethroned and that that we can stand proud with we shall stand with g stav until the end for We Are The Republic we are the Republic of

    Republics we are the Senate and we shall make sure wait what is this infiltrate uh Outlook good duration 175 days why would I want to infiltrate that what what does that do for me um plant Force intelligence make resistance contacts that that is good that is good yes

    Prepare right once they’re doing that they’re also doing that that’s amazing so we’ll start seeing what the resistance is like see because if someone sets a civil war on uh Luxembourg I think it’s fine you can become uh Master spy Master no I can’t y um I have to wait 14 days but

    Yeah basically then I can look at that look at this sexy Army the Germans no longer want to fight me cuz it’s not even close 602 thousand to my hand the Soviet Union is losing men and I’m losing War score but in total the Communist War score is

    Increasing so we can be proud of this fact and we are going to get another get wck Germany I mean Germany really just wasn’t expecting get RS to be made in their country right here we are we actually have an introduced get rck Germany into the fold right so research

    Slot is available I think actually I think stuff like this might be worthwhile um but I also just want to get this down cuz it’s 100% which means we would be able to do this quicker than what the Germans actually think we can get and if we can get down one nuke onto

    German soil it’s game for them so we’re also going to start doing bombers okay as long as we can beat the Nazis to a nuke oh oh it’s going to be bad for them it’s going o it’s going down to London Town right people are probably so confused on

    Like the things I’ve selected cuz War economy would usually be really bad but for the fact that I can’t trade anyway it’s 400 yeah that’s kind of what I thought that’s what uh take care of a spy Master uh yeah thank you so much Russia right with the Spy Master

    Now um and yeah that that will be perfect cuz then in 117 odd days we will have contact I think probably something like that um operative training psychological warfare I don’t have enough factories yet I just don’t right anti partisan um army army Department I guess I don’t

    Know Army intelligence just plus 25% I mean it can’t hurt it just can’t hurt right here we are the German forces are always at ends meet with us they’re just like what the [ __ ] I cannot believe we actually got to get wreck Germany in the game that is so

    Strong this is just this is just a strong force I mean like it is not going to be able to move far but see that see this bang they all die they just cannot hold an attack we just cannot we are polsy shiny new I mean Rosa Luxembourg

    By themselves we’re not even comparable to the Soviets right now but over 40% of the entire war effort is mine I’m kind of waiting on London or something cuz the German Manpower will be crippling on the flooor right now yeah it’s crippling that’s fine cuz the

    Issue is once they hold places that will look dodgy for us cuz that started 39% right if it starts much lower we might actually have a problem on our hands okay so what I’m thinking is right so Finland finish War still going on not fun not fun at all

    Okay if the Soviets can take Helsinki I think they win I’m unsure I thought the Soviets would be able to do that I guess I guess a confusion of my existence through them my bad my bad my bad my bad [ __ ] okay um I’m thinking war bonds just just keep war bonds going

    Cuz we don’t need anything else we are just in technology sharing yeah and they’ll lose a lot of supply and men and we gain those just directly which is nice and we will start producing PL soon uh actually can I pop you back on for now um cuz yeah in about

    57 days we will pop it directly onto planes and when planes are being made we’re going to do in Inception first to get rid of everything like interception not Inception that’s a movie but yeah before patari oh God the Finish actually took P oh the Finish are a part of aess

    That’s not going to be fun okay okay that’s that’s not a fun way to look at that I’m just immovable I think when the Soviet Union Falls We All Fall unless I’m significant enough that I just don’t fool right we take Richard yeah we take Richard right right what what is Richardson

    Again well groomed actually can I no thought he does okay fine fine that that was my bad my bad my bad okay I don’t think they’re going to try attacking us for a while and to be fair we are gaining enough manpower a week to facilitate a war per se I I know

    I’m saying that now that it’s a bit redink to be fair the Soviet Union they they are crippling I’m not I’m not I’m not going to I’m not going to going to beat that shadow back it’s going to be fine okay if we have to win by ourselves

    We will because what we have is Hope what they don’t have is pants to pull themselves back up with because simply we have I I think we have so much anti-air that they actually just cannot make a move okay I think the amount of anti-air is actually just annoying the Germans

    Out of their own sockets I mean I would be annoyed with myself right now I think I’ll make another Get Wrecked Germany because they’re just hilarious to make these are just amazing amazing things I mean they are really costly but they are going to just help me and they

    Are just going to be the one thing that pulls us back as a country up until the very very end right we will play we’ll play either to the Soviet collapse you know if the Soviets capitulate we’ll play to them or if dday happens and we can

    Actually get to the you know white like to the peace treaty I will also play till then but we have like nearly nine divisions I have a severe doubt we’ll be able to do much um but finland’s nearly dead which will be really strong for the

    Soviets if they can do it I don’t know why they’re not protecting their own land um yeah I don’t think we’ll have a stying grad in this world I’m just going to have to admit but for the Communist Utopia that is Luxembourg we are doing

    Well can can I just exit out my alliance no I can’t I really thought I could just so the Germans would have to fight me directly but I guess yeah because of the me of this game the game’s going to be like no no come on come on give give the

    Nuts go on they’re a little bit cute give give the nuts SE the chance but yeah it looks bad to begin with but because they’re all losing organization I think that’s why it tilts my way so quickly also all my men are like really highly I mean like look at that 90 I

    Mean plus 75% every single soldier here I mean it’s a bit ridiculous yeah I will look at being able to take a province like this this that is viable that is actually a viable kill if I can succinct a kill the Nazis will move that entire thing over because I’m at

    Berlin and if I can beat b vestival that will be insane right we want an actal orator yes I think that man will be perfect okay you my good sir you need to boost the ideology of communism mandom is going directly against I think this world will see its downfall right

    Luxembourg has never before seen such a large s of killing I mean we’ve lost 33.5 th000 men but have also killed nearly a million Germans by ourselves that’s the thing like the Soviets they will lose out their Manpower they might collapse which I really hope doesn’t PE steal me

    Out cuz I think I I think I’d actually be quite mad with that after our successful you know hold ah there we are there we are right we’re going to go for closer support we’re doing it every single time we do it every single time I

    Say it’s necessary and it God damn is right oh right yeah cuz the yeah the anti- anti- German spray is that right wait why are we reinforcing I thought we had a [ __ ] ton do we not yeah we have 4,480 right that means we’re going to start making Fighters guys Yep this is

    Fun hey let’s let’s just let’s just say this this is a good investment okay this is a very very good investment totally I mean wait why do we have a wait wait wait wait hold up why we should not have our superiority here we just should not we are doing

    It I mean we have so many weapons we can actually negate ground support we are doing cast we are just doing Cass if Cass is possible we are doing it okay we all knew this game was going this way we all knew I would do a dumb

    As [ __ ] they just pull back fighters from here that’s what I don’t know what you’re talking about well the thing is at least I’ll get this region that’s what I’m thinking if I can bomb this region I do still hurt their overall thing and you see one one a

    Month we’re fine and the amount of anti-air that I have anyway will facilitate this enough that hilariously we should be able to get away with it okay here we go I are are you ready for the third get wck Germany to be in our army oh second can get wrecked

    Germany where are I get wrecked Germany what happens to our get wreck Germany I have made two Get Wrecked germanies if I click off leave it a day watch it turn from a get wck Germany to an infantry division I think that’s what’s been happening cuz I made several

    Get wck germanies or they oh they just die they just die I’ve been wasting man power this entire time oh okay they just don’t have the HP to survive and attack got you the that organization is yeah I I saw that that was really sad to watch right

    Screw get W Germany we’ll have the addition of 2,000 men I I think I think we’ll actually do this I I I think we’ll have this then that organization is 17.5 and they have a decent it’s it’s just it’s just artillery the artillery the bloody thing okay get wck Germany is still an

    Artillery division it’s fine okay now that we’ve learn this and that now it costs a bit more to make this cuz it’s like somewhere around 7,000 men I think somewhere reliability la la where where’s Manpower ah 7.5 that will be fine I think this will be absolutely Dandy cracking if you will

    Right here we are support weapons 2 because we just need it to be honest with you and then we’ll have an into war bomber soon that’s pretty hot our one plane hi King of the Skies he’s flying too fast and he’s flying too uh if you

    Guys don’t know uh Red Baron Sabaton I’m I’m temped you know what you know what you know what just for this just for this one man we’re going to pause this music we’re going to go onto um a website that plays music that I cannot say on here cuz otherwise I am never

    Allowed to monetize myself ever um so I’m sorry um right Red Baron red I I think there’s players at least Red Baron right we’re we’re playing this right okay there a f fine yep brilliant uh it’s not appearing on here I think this is going to play out of my

    Speakers and that’s going to sound awful I think I’m scared to do so right um oh I I just have to apply it to screw it okay ah there we are okay uh where’s it coming from I don’t think that’s getting recorded so we’re going to pop up here okay

    Hopefully we can all hear us this is stupid this is dumb are we ready this is this is Red Baron we have finally got we have finally got someone in the skies here it is we have air superiority yes okay uh our intelligence we’re we’re doing really good on intelligence to be

    Honest with you death from above your under I I know the song way too well but like you see that they’re introducing actual divisions to us now cuz they’re sitting there like actually wait a second okay so when we have enough right that’s where all of our manpow been

    Going that’s why we have 39,000 deaths okay it’s a king look at it we’ve got two planes bro these two are just going to rule the we we’re just going to rule everything okay I mean this this is some really good gameplay here oh my God I never I was thinking

    Where are all the get wck Germany disappearing after I didn’t realize they just kept dying okay battle stying Greg come on come on you can do this protect Stalingrad with everything you’ve got Jesus Christ hopefully the Battle of Moscow Moscow is not falling that’s actually really good

    Maybe maybe we last just barely barely and then you know UK can do something maybe please UK we we are kind of begging every everyone’s left to your front no one’s here okay um I love how everything we have just doesn’t reach okay we going to make

    Another one of these bad boys okay this fine and then here we are I think we win this I think we actually just straight up win this like with absolutely nothing we can Fortress this okay uh nobody needs Naval bombers I think it’s like jet strategic that we need for the

    Nuclear bomb so I’m going to get onto doing the nuclear bomb stuff cuz otherwise we just will not be able to get to it at any time you know cuz otherwise other things will keep going in front of it and honestly I do want to just nuke the Germans cuz

    That’s just hilarious I mean we’re not just going to survive we are thriving I just saw that I mean we do just whack out like quarter of an army every single time they attack like we knock out one Army every time they attack which is good like in

    Resources and everything cuz they just expend it yeah when when is this we need to collect 50 do I need to make 50 is that what’s slowing me down oh God okay if I knew that um screw is it is it equipment three that we need

    Support oh god I’ve never made any of that Jesus okay this going to be fine this going to be fine I don’t know if we get okay uh from here we’re going to go back to regular music so cuz Red Baron’s played um here we are here we are back to normal and

    The Germans don’t know what hit them I mean it sucks to be the Germans we actually are affecting them now we genuinely are a problem we just I love it that we are just a singular Dot on the map and yet such an issue I mean imagine like being so

    Cringe to be France and collapse would not be me you see this is why being a communist Utopia is just so good so free France the United Kingdom look at them not so wait was that unlined fascist oh my God fascism is increasing in Britain what wait let me

    Check this okay no it’s not sorry I just saw FAS thing come in and I’m like wait what what’s going on what in the hickey hey ho okay there we are non-aggression pack we we’re not no I mean against Philippines why not um you know I I feel

    Like that Indies yeah absolutely we do against the duty in I’m I’m I’m not planning on going to war with you guys that helps y can we just go on a promise game that I promise not to kill you like I I feel like that’s so much more effective

    I mean since we’ve increased our like defense they’ve attacked us Less in general oh oh now that’s that’s a crippling stuff that I like to see I like to see the Germans keep trying to attack right yep we are making support equipment for I don’t even know why can

    We just undo this this is this is pants refund all the resources I I I genuinely cannot be asked to do that because we do just need to make stuffff okay we’re going to put planes as our first priority on Metals I don’t think that matters uh

    Idea go on the offens big yag I ignore that I ignore that so hard I mean we’ve nearly caused a million deaths against the Nazis okay as a communist Utopia that we are we’re actually doing better than every other communist Utopia that there is I mean not even the PRC is

    Doing well and that’s saying something it really does seem like a f pro- fascist game today but agent captured ah seriously okay okay prepare a collaboration government ooh uh rescue captured operative yep yep put her in that’s fine anything we need for it infantry equip oh yeah

    That’s fine that that’s more than fine I can just do that okay look at that 180 instantly uh yeah let’s let’s commence it let’s let’s commence the operation that we have we shall we shall not have anyone executed and we shall promote my God I will I am never trusting you again nope

    Nope never Big Y I I will never trust this this words your that is coming out of your lips that is it all of my trust in you has been lost I mean like we’re minus 97 in only Jesus Christ I mean like our infantry equipment we we’re just soon going to be

    Unmovable because the Nazis they’re probably thinking ah yeah they don’t have the research we have the same research as Germany in fact we get more bonuses we get more bonuses in some areas which is just ridiculous um I think experimental Rockets uh cuz that just means we don’t

    Have to make planes for bombing and that that’s just a nice idea like automatic automatic planes sign me up right concentrate industry 5 cuz um we can build one more thing and we need to build a reactor now we’re done for yes Germany you are done

    For that’s what I’m saying my guy I have been holding for like two odd years I don’t think I’m done for you see the get wck Germany uh division template I have I have crafted very carefully to be the Super recover template this these people

    Are going to recover so fast and so well that you’re just going to sit here and cry okay KY namal I’m telling you this in the confidence of the boomy SP if you dare let this slip to those fascists your head chopped suddenly very brutally

    And will feed you to the kittens that we have cuz they’re going to be cats soon and when they’re cats they’re pretty feral okay don’t forget about anti-aircraft defenses ah yes I agree I I agree my friend I agree you see I am prepared for every

    Kind of attack that can be thrown my way and they all experienced they all are at Max in my Army right now there are all Maximum my dude there is no worrying my Army is just effective okay no battle bloody marvelous straight in let’s do this okay oh you see infantry specialist we

    Already have one so we shouldn’t do that what we want is something like entrenchment specialist requires engineer right see that’s what we need we need the hints like what we need to research also at this point I was never on your side to begin with for I have

    Always been oh my God every time every time I have been hurt hemorrhaged I’ll never mentally recover from this I have you know I don’t know where these men have suddenly disappeared off to but I’m glad we haven’t Lo lost many 40,000 men dead versus nearly a

    Million I mean I’ve got the highest KD of any nation in World War II right now down with a no no I have you know I will I will hand fight you instead of crossing the world yo tons of men I mean June oh my I mean to be fair the war is

    Turning it is turning look the Germans are being pushed back and so are the Finish it’s really weird to see the Finish be pushed back in World War II but hey I I guess Al to their own okay and we’ve nearly saved our people and we’re going to create um a

    Revolution yes I said that correct I will create a revolution in Germany yep Get Wrecked invade Finland no no that’s bad that is that is a really bad strategy I don’t know why we get knocked down a peg or two like in Manpower every once in a while I don’t

    Know if that’s a game thing being like [ __ ] move or do something you know like the gamees just like do something you know please we beg cuz all of our Manpower is currently being siphoned away is it get W Germany like what is it full Manpower 100% fing strength

    Yeah I guess that’s all we need I guess reserves I think it’s reserves um organization brilliant oh oh we’re signing up another get wreck Germany got you whoops well I mean if it’s possible it’s possible we’re just going to throw him right in quit India movement it’s going to be

    Fine all Norway and Sweden for their iron you should have built at least levels I don’t know what you’re talking about KT namal I am here I have it all set out okay we have a grand strategy 10 out of 10 we have Max Air Force we have Max everything we are

    Prepared we’re even going to be making experimental Rockets to fire at these Nazis these pesky pesky Nazis we be firing it on homeland German lands which they will not like because we know for a fact there’s not enough anti-air oh no with no anti-air it seems

    Like we’re going to be firing a few rockets that way cuz it cost us zero manpower to do so oh my God we’ve lived so long that collectivist actually isn’t needed anymore Jesus Christ here we are 480 men and we are fine we are existing use this Grand strategy make

    Collapse the US de cealing yes yes it yes it will not look the US de ceiling I don’t know what you’re talking about I’ve never heard of it you see because obviously the United States have the most successful economy that the world could ever have much like our own out

    In oh my God wait this is a poor idea we you’re a transport plane I don’t know I I did that wrong right okay we’ll we’ll start on there and wait for the research to be done cuz yeah when close our support gets done I’m going to be doing that oh

    Unless we produce more Fighters that would be a good idea actually though we don’t have the also Switzerland could have been a bad why does everyone keep saying Switzerland’s a better choice I really don’t understand Switzerland’s just Switzerland guys I like Luxembourg Luxembourg is the best country look the

    Germans are too scared to fight me it’s fine okay I don’t understand this like this this absolute you lack of will to fight for country and for men and therefore I will ignore you entirely completely light aircraft infantry equipment actually artillary industrial concern [ __ ] it uh we don’t we we’ve never even thought

    About ships so we’re going to go military theorist and then we should be able to buy our next yeah look at that 90 yeah but like we just we just exist who needs who needs sense when you can just do it that’s what I’m saying

    But we are going to win cuz World War II is looking rather sexy in the way of the Soviets okay we will not lose it’s becoming winter and we all know what happens in Winter 1942 it seems like the Russians might actually be able to last us and it seems

    Like the Nazis might not have you need a more centralized Railway I don’t don’t know how to even it’s fine our Railway works okay look I I I don’t know what you want me to oh oh wait what what we can get trucks I didn’t know that well you might be right my

    Friend uh oh oh um um wait what are we doing we don’t have trucks we don’t have trucks please um great 100% wait okay that’s fine okay we are going to do this okay K KY okay you don’t need to give me advice because clearly I have it all under

    Control you can you can see this you can see this all under control Vibe okay we have three planes flying all doing God’s work all doing it in fact not doing God’s work because God’s nothing to do with us each member with a tech reduces Time by

    10% yeah I don’t think anyone’s doing uh This research and we’re leading we’re leading in research is that anything more worthwhile for me to do resistance construction repair like none of this is useful to me literally none of it and none of this is useful to me so I ju I

    Just sit here as like an entity with no idea what to do do cuz we can now create factions we can do all of that I just pray um that the German American like yeah when the Soviet Union Falls Everyone Falls that I don’t like that because I’m actually

    Standing here and I’m fairly good you know I go dibs on Western Pria you want dibs well you’re going to have to take it from like C dead hands for us at the boomy demo experimental rocket facility say screw you and your mother sexually that’s right what are you going to do to

    That that’s right nothing I’m really hoping like really really hoping that World War II goes the same way because you know I’ve I’ve actually incurred enough deaths on the German side that they should run out of men relatively soon like I would be surprised if they didn’t okay like they’ve refrained from

    Attacking me allog together the [ __ ] is going on in adessa what is going on in adessa I I see no problems I see no problems here look adessa is fine the city of adessa is amazing look d dday uh just just is a bit weird um I don’t actually know what the

    How they thought they were doing but I I guess cuz luxembourg’s here they didn’t want to help Luxembourg so they just I don’t know I really don’t know and I’m actually quite concerned by this like what what did they think they were going to do I mean as as a start communist you

    Know fighting this I’m rather disappointed that the democratics did something like that quite a bit of a waste of time if you ask me right tactical bomber right we’re just going to ignore that because that’s stupid What on earth right this is nearly a 3-hour stream all on just Luxembourg I mean I’m

    Going to have to have dinner soon I don’t I I’m just at a loss of words just completely a loss I mean Luxemburg clearly is just effective with all due respect uh is not worth the time for a 21 hour stream I look I will stream as

    Physically long as possible I am tempted to bring my dinner up here if need be because I want to see this I want to see this end if Russia doesn’t collapse I will see the end of this war because if Russia does collapse I think it’s just the end of the war um

    Look at that 40% uh 46 no I count as another Nation never mind it’s all good it’s all good me just sitting here will be enough for the Allies never mind good God why is Romanian an Empire I cannot tell you and I think it’s cuz Germany’s not holding it is the reason why they’re not falling I mean also the Finish the Finish are just absolutely hemorrhaging the Russian forces I’ve never seen Russia struggle so much in their

    Life but you know we’re hitting the end of a tech tree um formation fighting Ace generation as superiority Mission efficiency absolutely uh so less of our people die because um we are just losing men in those planes like it’s like two men a time it’s rather sad actually right

    40.2 um Rosa Luxenberg has nearly incurred a million kills oh my God good yeah good God if Romania can form an Empire then why not Luxembourg I’m planning that I’m actually planning that I am planning when D-Day happens all all of the forces will ignore me totally or like rush to

    Get me out right when dday happens bam bam bam bam bam I can control that I can make an Empire and with that I can take Germany head on Luxembourg Ros of Luxembourg ran by Yours Truly will take out the Germans because the Germans uh secretly have enough communism that um I

    Like right now that we have all three people together we’re going to prepare a coll collaboration government you need to collect 14 units of Civilian Factory I cannot do that but hey I I can be close Okay prepare right we need to make support equipment and a fair amount of it

    So we’re going to remove that production and put it to support equipment now we require a fair amount right I think enough siphoned production will go into this collaboration government now 14 2% yeah so what I’m thinking is um we have ours going and we just pretend it’s

    Enough okay I think that’s good um as of right now though I am going to quickly pop to the toilet so I will be right back um in fact I’m confident I’m going to leave the game playing uh whoops can I click to leave the game playing wait wait why doesn’t the game

    Want to Sor I really badly need the toilet there we are I’ll be right Back Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait I’m back to rule my country I quit right no I don’t you might quit in trying to get rid of my country but I stay I love it how I was able to run off to the toilet and come back and there’s

    No problem right we’re going to go strategic bomber here oh it seems like they did try to attack us a few times uh no template support equipment that’s cuz we need it for something else uh yeah so when do we get the collaboration government exactly um 57%

    I don’t know what that means right this right yep the majority of my work has been completed right seems like we need to siphon more production over I’m just it’s dodgy it’s dodgy but we are going to get rid of those two and just put them directly on

    Right and we are going to make a rocket site like ASAP actually we’re going to get it done like we’re going to have it planned to work as soon as this collaborative government’s done cuz we don’t lose equipment is what I’ve realized we haven’t lost any equipment unless we’ve lost you know

    Actual straight up Manpower which is good it’s a good thing to learn and I don’t think the Russians are going to collapse cuz it’s going to take a very long while for it right yeah the Russians they are a Vibe they are a Vibe right now it’s going to happen and I

    Think I think very soon I might run like multiplayer games where like you know I I play like a Mainline country and these people have to play like you know small countries and try to like throw me to the floor whilst I’m just not understanding how to

    Play I think that would be funny like just just run online games I don’t know how I do it so I’d have to probably contact some person who’s done it for uh yeah so um that’s not looking too hot uh 65% towards capitulation uh 60% favor in Defenders meaning uh yeah when

    The Soviets collapse sorry Iran sorry What hot hot you know what that’s good that’s good I’ll take it I’ll take it so what I’m planning right now is I think the Russians are holding wait are they the Russians are holding oh my God is the winter assault yeah of course so when the Russians take back

    Russia the only problem is the finish the winter soldiers are also there which might prove a problem but hey ho hey the Russians know more than me apparently so you say it says them go okay the issue is I don’t I don’t know how effective this is going to be cuz I

    Can’t I can’t get the resources I need to make the coalition government so I’m just I’m just going to keep doing this and just pretending like it’s fine How likely can we take this it is likely it is so likely we can take it I really want to take it like really badly

    Now right so we are going to go I think just war bonds we’re going to just speed everything up because honestly the faster we can make the coalition government you know of everyone else versus the Nazis um I think the faster we do that the better yeah and then I might emergency

    Convert some of my civilian factories to military so we can just make more support equipment okay I think these guys yeah the battle Stalingrad was one so that’s good and I think it will be a turning point I really do think Normand is going to happen soon and if Normandy happens

    Soon oh yes oh you can you can bet your bottom left shoe that I will abuse it as soon as as soon as everything happens the way I’d like it as you can see Army division attack not defense as soon as I can I’m going to

    Charge into Belgium as soon as I see the Germans are falling very quickly I’m going to put a line for some people to sit there you know in Luxembourg whilst I try to take Belgium cuz if that all becomes Allied land it doesn’t matter you know I’m not

    Fighting the Allies I’m only fighting the axes meaning I don’t need to have much of an actual you know thing going on and to be honest with you I think I will be able to hold and is everything goes to plan I think we’ll be able to do it cuz we are slowly

    Making enough that we would be able to fight the nai’s head on which is good which is very good right okay construction five just so we can make literally everything because as soon as yeah as soon as Germany basically collapses internally because I want them to yeah

    I I would I would never want to what does this do like infiltrated the Army like steal military blueprints I I don’t need that though make resistance contacts like things like resistance contacts I can see as a really good thing but otherwise I can’t see being

    Used um no I want you to do propaganda no not propaganda sorry boost ideology no propaganda is uh you propaganda as well propaganda in Brandenburg sounds good sounds good um control trade diplomatic pressure yeah this is this is going to be fine I can I can already see the

    Germans probably yeah their War supports cripplingly sad enemy bombing we C 08 yeah we’re we’re going to combat casualties minus 30% I am I am like 15% of that reason right I bet they’re so mad that they can’t actually move on me at all I mean I’m just the most effective

    Member of this entire War I mean if it weren’t for me I I don’t know what would happen ah yep the the Germans are completely unable to move but the Russians can this is good this is very nice to see and because it’s Romania they can’t build anything wait they can’t they can’t

    Build railroads meaning Russia’s coming back they’ll come back in full force cuz Germany doesn’t control oh my God that’s hot that is that is so good missing equipment production to artillery what do do we need to artillery right now is that like a right now we need it um yeah

    Sadly that it is like a right now okay we we’ll we’ll start making artillery as well I really thought I could have got away with that then no no not not at all right our plane I think that was our plane no it wasn’t yeah we got 10 planes

    In the air woo what is our aircraft yeah 18% but 18% is better than 0% and because of our anti-air is such a good thing right tactical bomber it’s brilliant so we have Cass in the air right yeah yeah we’ll be able to make cast and everything brilliant um 0.9 years I’m

    Almost tempted to start researching but no right I do want no that’s fine I’m thinking I’m thinking just confusing machine right now 3% is worth it especially at that rate of production okay yeah we’ll be building that very soon our country does seem like we’re about to fool or something no

    Don’t worry we’re we’re just creating a CO collab government it it’ll be done in like 50 odd days we’re just we’re just making sure that we can do everything like I am not giving up anything so that we can right can we yes we’ll trade nothing for

    Nothing you see as long as we can get this done 1.92 a day agent captured seriously again I my Man Of A Thousand Faces we just got that right okay you can can we quickly prepare to oh god um routine uh yeah sure quickly prepare we that will be done very

    Quickly like in a day yeah quickly commence it cuz we still need a while to prepare anyway so it’s fine it’s fine we’ll it probably will take over 60 odd days so we’ll quickly get him back and if not um you’ll be quiet about it if he dies he dies right emergency

    Okay operative training right psychological we cannot do any of that we just don’t have anything right got you okay uh emergency Factory n we’re fine yeah yeah there’s nothing we can really do and nor can they do we are just going to win just just straight up if Russia can

    Stay together we win we win with Russia um do I I feel a little bit saly in doing this but we don’t even have air support we don’t have air support yet when we have a support I’ll think about it okay streamline production uh production efficiency

    Growth yes I would love that right I know the others like oh you can make more equipment faster but no we do just want to have like long-term Investments so that say like we’ll never run out of guns in like a million years that will

    Be perfect for me cuz that means we get to have planes made and if we just never take them off planes we’ll be fine if we can actually make sure that it all goes well oh my God that will be brilliant for us right so we we we are on the verge of

    Just victory to be honest with you cuz every single battle starts at 50 or% and no matter how much weight they put on we just kill even more I mean me and the Soviet Union have the same amount of kills I mean that’s a bit insane to say

    Mean the Soviet Union does have more war support just due to their plane activities that’s why we’re increasing our planes just in general we are beating the status quo in a lot of ways though which is great okay so when is our operative out 40 days okay we’ll have it done before

    40 days though that’s my only issue uh like infantry breakthrough organization I think it’s infiltration we go down usually you know I go like Superior Firepower cuz I’ll just have a lot of everything else but today know it is it is just down down ground strategy

    So I might make a few more get wck germanies before you know the Allies try Normandy cuz I think with some more Get Wrecked germanies we will just be able to take well just everywhere which will be nice I’m thinking a nice little bit

    Like a nice sexy bit bug will be nice in the war like in the end game War thing but yeah the Russians are going to have way over 50 I mean it’s it’s going to be ridiculous they’re about to take so much land I mean Democratic Finland will be

    On the cards which would be interesting full on Democratic okay I mean French are fighting but the yeah the Nazis can’t make it anywhere oh oh no that’s not good that is not good at all oh my God now well yeah um it might be gam set match for Soviets I really

    Really just thought that was just going to happen like really nicely and the Soviets would just win you know SC um I don’t have much I don’t have much but in uh yeah in the interest of the Soviets in the interest of the Soviets we are going to fight all of our planes

    Down to try to help them it’s not much but it’s honest work right we’re going to do it this is going to be fine okay because as long as they have air support I know they have cast are that did I just see oh my God they’re forces who

    Don’t even want to fight okay screw it it’s going to be fine as long as long as they hold everything that they hold dear to them right my nine planes I really hope helps I mean like we instantly lost your air super priority which is really sad but honestly versus losing um

    Completely I don’t think I can hold her no I can’t we’re just going to return back to Luxembourg so sorry Lads wish I could help we we will just lose out there otherwise we just don’t have anything get straight over please ASA just just no no no more piddling

    About there’s no more okay let’s really really hope they can hold cuz if they can’t uh it might be a bit of a game moment it’s 1943 and it’s not looking promising I mean they are having a lot of casualties to me specifically which is just hilarious

    Yo guys we we all know who really won World War II it wasn’t it wasn’t the Germans wasn’t anyone like that no no no it was a lux and borish six St six St we are going to start making uh close air support and a

    Lot of it just lots lots of close air support immediately so honestly the more we can get just it will be amazing okay we’ll be fine I I think this will be fine uh Convoy sailing why not right I I feel like this will be an okay

    Situation okay when that guy comes out we’re going to make a collaborative government with the German government so that we get Cs on German land I believe brilliant and then prepared we’re going to put her up and commence this operation right this is going to work I believe in this collaborative

    Government and that means Counter Intelligence will follow some leer indicate our agents will escape crossing the border at night yeah so basically um it’s a really good outlook just pretty good um yeah I I think this will work well and hopefully and I I do mean hopefully we

    Will be able to Stage revolution in Germany because I think that’s our most likely part of being able to actually save the situation in the world and then you know take the Germans yeah take the Germans through um because yeah Civil War is probably our best option looking looking at Russia uh

    Crying itself to sleep right now cuz it’s losing the battle of staring grad which um I was relying on the historical AI uh lasting to history uh apparently Russia’s inapt so um we’ve took it into our own hands right one close a support let’s go let’s go we

    Got the cast going right and now with the Cass now with the cast going we should be able to hold just enough to win because only one person gets cast right and it’s usually stupid to go for close air support like really stupid like actually like immensely dense but if say

    You pull this off then you have close a support and you might ask what can you do with close a support because you know that’s a valid question to ask um you turn battles that are definitely going to lose like that into battles that look like they’re about to win the reasoning

    Why you want something like that is to scare the forces into pulling back from Russia and if they can pull back from Russia that means we can actually do this like straight up no flipping we could actually just become Victorious if we can become Victorious oh yes I will give up my

    Third spleen right one second what up Huh I’m playing this out though I’m playing I’m playing this out cuz I’m never going to play a game like this again what oh Cy yeah it is quite L okay I might consider yeah yeah um I’ll be like maybe 5 10 minutes late cuz I okay that’s nice don’t make it too

    Long no no no don’t worry I won’t thank you right so I have dinner underway and as of right now hopefully the Soviets don’t collapse cuz if they do I think we all just die cuz I picked the wrong side to join I yeah yeah it’s not looking it’s not

    Looking hot for them um hopefully if they do die um we’re still in the war cuz then that gives an opportunity for dday and if dday can happen with us still alive provid Ed um yeah it should all it should all work and it should all be nice you know like rainbows rainbows

    Is what I’m thinking right 600 odd days though we don’t have a superior we do have a superior RC nuclear bombs is our next Port after here oh yes oh yes yes yes yes right because there’s no more Tech in the way of actual gun to get well there is but

    Like it none that can actually help us per say cuz all infantry plus mot and Tech for having support equipment uh we don’t have support equipment so we’re just not going to care I mean hard attack normally is probably very good I I personally wouldn’t know but we have enough planes in the

    Sky to say screw you Germany anyway right my one tank division did so well this game I swear this is ridiculous if it wasn’t for that one tank Division I think we’d be dead and if it wasn’t for my incompetence at the start I think we could have launched an

    An attack and actually took some provinces what what what do you mean so sad right we do have Cass and we would be able to get away with it but I just don’t want to play that game not until this guy’s trained the cast siphoning train will

    Happen when this gu trained right okay we have 11 units and yeah when this guy’s up and dandy we will actually siphon out two men to go here um is it a good idea no no it’s not but will it help me yes yes it godamn will

    And anything that helps me honestly is just good for the state and and just good for the people and 4,000 out of 10,000 oh right yeah yeah yeah I get you right I think this is going to work I think that this is Enough by itself right it needs 28 to artillery

    Are we still making to AR we still are Jesus Christ Jesus Christ if we’re still down I don’t know what to tell you right and then when we get Rockets we’re going to have just full superiority of the region which is just going to be hilarious we’re just going to have

    Bombing in southern Germany for like a week maybe I mean I I just don’t think the Nazis expected anyone still in fighting range ah reverse dday that’s fine like it’s Southern dday I I don’t know what’s going on here but you know what southern D-Day I can deal with I can deal with

    This hopefully they actually win this out come on come on free France I believe in you I believe in free France okay cuz if free France happens they will take the pressure off Russia cuz they have the pressure on right now if Russia is on the verge of collapse which

    Will take me out it it just will and that will be the saddest end to this that you can get that just by sheer chance of the AI that I cannot control is a loss I mean it does look like we’re going near a victory though okay Russia

    Is dodgy to say the least but the r the German forces are all around and just really they’re on they have to be on the end of everything they’ve lost 4 million men I don’t think I don’t think their remaining Manpower as much cuz that’s deployed it doesn’t tell me anything

    About remaining Manpower but it cannot be much like available Manpower 2 million to 4 million it’s going to be on the lower bound it cannot be 3 million at least Jesus Christ Germany you are you are flying me on the sides of my heels right I’m going to hope it is just hope

    Hi [ __ ] I don’t know why my door got knocked on for no reason right okay okay I think yeah not even I think I know okay that in 655 days which will be longer than I’m playing sadly unless unless I leave it running whilst I’m eating I could leave this running whilst

    I’m eating but I don’t know if anyone’s okay with that like is anyone okay with that I feel I feel like that’s a bit nasty for me just to walk off and just start eating dinner yeah but I do want to play this to the very end to the

    Absolute damning conclusion 92 days until possible Civil War is on the guards cuz collaborative government o that’s going to be a nice thing to look at staring grad I’m not looking too optimistic in Russia right now I don’t like that I really don’t like what Russia’s looking like here they should

    Have held on like the Big River here I think that would have worked well you win some you lose some and we might lose because of Russia and their ineptitude cuz it is looking that way okay unless we have one too many members to lose like that I think it’s

    It has to be Russia and Iran which Iran just Falls immediately afterwards that would be really sad to see the collapse like that okay so we’re on the verge of either Victory or loss it’s up to the Allies it’s completely up to them and how D-Day

    Goes i’ say they need to be S like they need to also go up in the north I would say Normand is a really good place to fight just just in general um but there’s not much more we can really do I do not believe capacity yeah we currently we I

    Don’t know how fast these guys produce but hopefully it’s fast enough or we’ve just wasted our time building it or do we have to build Rockets support fighter close support no no it’s an automatic system so I’m just going to hold out for it cuz then that’s bombing and that will

    Be really nice to get against the German system cuz if our water block at least chug slightly lower than it is I think it’s a victory y cuz they just can’t produce out produce everyone else but it’s seeming like they’re out producing Russia by just large SS to be honest

    With you Russia is not holding and it will be sad to see this see this slow collapse okay 47,000 dead yeah I mean we’re just having nothing happen right we’re going to try this we’re going to try a more offensive tactic to liberation I mean it looks like we’re losing and someone who says that might be slightly truthful and correct but what they’ve also refused to realize is that we can just move one of these bad boys though they like quickly attack and it’s like no no it’s did we lose them we did lose a

    Soldier what did we lose that that was that was 10,000 that is not very nice but we do gain a province okay we have doubled our Size oh my God we might have done it we might have done it what the Germans weren’t prepared for this and nor was I I actually just didn’t believe this was going to happen uh basic guarded missile yes I think that’s what we need okay close our support we’re going to go strap

    Bomber oh my God is this actually how they fall oh my God we actually might hold this I don’t think they want to fight us not after the atrocities we’ve already committed I mean yeah they’re probably just yeah we win we just keep winning I mean they

    Could push us out after a while but I don’t think that’s going to happen they’re just like um we we didn’t prepare for this we didn’t prepare to lose a province it’s like yeah [ __ ] lose a province the force of a luxembourgish army is hard-hitting enough that we can actually do this

    Okay I think we win this again I mean they’re really really putting to town how well the Germans can fight and I’m sitting here like they can’t fight too well we’ve just took a province of their we have doubled sides you know you can yeah I know I’m aware uh

    Currently and we don’t lose Manpower for stupid things did you see that we loost two men retreated but we didn’t lose Manpower ah yes ah yes oh yes oh yes oh yes we are actually gaining support for this war slowly right and we support from here I think that’s a good

    Idea cuz yeah when we end up getting more cast and everything cuz we do need to force an attack Somehow Okay why stop attacking that’s not how you support I don’t know it’s fine right of the fact that he is not and he’s not and he isn’t we’re going to attack with these Blocks I mean and then we win there as well and then yeah all the pressure is off oh God no are we being pushed back H that’s not good no no Germans pesky Germans no okay well we we might have lost a piece of land well that’s a bit sad

    We’ve been pushed back into Luxembourg we’ve been thought our place okay everyone back to support Fortress Luxembourg Fortress Luxembourg is supportting Ed once more and they’re just like what the [ __ ] you know we lost 30,000 men in that we just can’t move okay and yeah when when everything

    Starts coming through say like the atomic bomb or rocket engines I think that’s for control and then right click on enemy divisions ah so wait control and right click so so if I went for an attack here and click this man ah okay got you that’s really probably stupid of me

    But hey ho doesn’t matter right onto the division yeah I see and then when the nuclear bomb yes yes Britain yes okay Brit has actually fully joined which is nice right apparently we already have 100 of those plans so we’re going to start making strategic bombers

    Yeah and then from there I think the thing is I think the game’s over from here cuz no matter what happens we do win like as long as they don’t fall which I don’t know it’s not looking the most promising but as long as they don’t um it should all be good

    You know as long as Britain can take France maybe something like that as long yeah it’s as long as the Nazis don’t have total control over somewhere like France then it’s a full Victory I mean look that’s happening meaning Italy might have a revolution and then suddenly the war

    Flips but Russia is looking concern oh not responding oh I might be forced out now oh no we’re fine we’re fine history is currently going correct yep ah Naples Naples is being sieged I think that’s the American forces finally coming into this War I really hope they were in Naples pushing

    Because if free France is able to happen then Normandy must happen soon which to be honest with you I’m here for and I really want to see that happen I mean I’m really racing to get this nuclear bomb just because I know it’s going to be very effective okay

    Um we don’t need resource gain cuz we don’t have resources that’s okay uh land Knight attack that’s good I mean support weapons we just we just don’t need half of them right they’re just long-term Investments now is what I’m seeing it as okay so yeah I think this is all working Well okay and two days till this is done we’ll have a cab a collab government see if we check here oh we should have a collab government J right ah yes See collab government with the German rack which means they’re more likely to surrender build an Intel Network please please start building an Intel Network you also start building an Intel actually you now I I I’ll keep you he’s been captured like twice that’s fine here we are

    And Germany probably is not very happy to see us start doing that because take B ah take Luxembourg from Luxembourg I am not very happy for that actually even we have a collab government we you should you should collaborate with me more right so now that we’re have yeah we’re

    Just we’re just producing this don’t worry about it guys it’s fine right we at actually are going to do war bonds again just to make this Faster by that tiny amount I still can’t believe I got away with that I got away with getting a coll government and now we’re going to

    Infiltrate the Army and try to 50% destroy that cuz if we can get that then the Nazi army cannot do anything and we could actually stage a fullon war ourselves by ourselves for ourselves cuz they’re suffering a little bit but their Productions now less because we did that and the Russians

    Might be able to push back fully which would be very nice to see as you can see the Russians are doing it because what we’ve done in Germany they’re easier to destroy Kingdom of Greece finally fell but at least Naples that’s kind of

    Cool maybe if I was able to um like if I joined the Allies I could have brought some men to Britain and from there we could have helped with Naples but because we’re not we just can’t we had no opportunity at any point sadly enough no matter how much I

    Wanted to I would be condemned in doing so I I think I think cuz we’re not making many men anymore Factory output no we’re going to do this is a bit of a damning idea but it will be give us enough men that we could possibly take clurg into a new

    Era see the Russians are being able to they they are doing it and with the Russians being able to do it I think we might actually have a victory on our hands like full on straight up battle Stalingrad is effective they’re not breaking through it doesn’t matter oh my

    God oh oh pardon me no we might be wrong we might be incorrect oh oh my God that was a save by seconds right we are going to go for this Armored Division thing uh because our one armor division oh my God it is loving us we’ve given it so many upgrades right

    Now comes the idea the idea is simple we get here right we have seven men meaning it’s more than likely we could do it we also probably need to have a trash design to just throw away but we just don’t so what we’re going to do it’s very simple weak

    Man and we just cut in we just cut ever so slightly through why it Demands a lot of the Germans attention instantly and with our close air support we should be able to pull off barely but you know pulling it off is pulling it off so yeah we’re just straight up winning

    And we just need one M oh pardon me we need two divisions in and we’re straight up winning there’s just no debate about it we have close to our support we have everything that a man or woman could ask for in attacking a state now that means that the

    Germans oh my God they can’t they can’t Retreat that is death okay this is what I’m talking about right off you go off you go right hopefully you station yourself here that is your goal now is station if we can remove that airport now they cannot [ __ ] cphon through cph

    Through right now right now we need them you need to be there you two now have a command to stay there right they had no planes there I understand but it means they can’t put any [ __ ] okay never Mind 10:00 a.m. on this day it has been decided oh my God our defense is [ __ ] insane We just need to H down we just need to do it ASAP we can take sedan solo Oh my God Luxembourg has sat here long enough being the bullied state of Europe too long have they been gped at too long has it not worked for them and too long have they been unprepared for war you see because not even the Allies could have even predicted this sort of climatic battle and War oh my God we technically have a front because of this

    Um I I don’t really know what to do from here but like we have to provinces and that that is hot and the fact that we’ve not even lost men to the attack oh was it just a oh that’s why yeah that’s i’ to explain a few things Right okay I’m thinking a get wck Germany plus an infantry division equals Victory yes yes it does no it doesn’t no they’ve got CA let’s just let’s go where we have gas yeah let’s let’s hold up let’s wait let’s wait for organization on the get W Germany and we’re going we’re going to

    Fight here again I have I have some severe hope some con some seriously damning hope that we can take this province okay there we are Yep this this is what war looks like boys this is what Luxembourg can do Germans cannot move into our land and if we can control Brussels we

    Control the world oh my God this is actually [ __ ] Insanity I don’t want to make a front line cuz we fool with that they’re just like holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] it Exists the luxemburgish the luxemburgish has actually broken out both sides both sides of the river come on come on you know you want it ah [ __ ] if if our army was fast enough okay we have so much going for us in the way of just oh my God this is stupid this is

    Ridiculous race for the bomb thank you America thank you H America’s just made everything faster for me okay oh my God we might actually have a state of greater Luxembourg as once prophesized I mean this a Germany out there full force by the way I mean they’re actually having to fight a full State they’re not willing to attack they’re just not willing to attack that’s fine we have broken out we are actually the probably the strongest will ever be and and like I promised at the start we will liberate bitburg if we have to if we have to with our feet we will liberate

    Bitb for bitburg is truly luxemburgish land we can no no no no that’s just stupid this that whole battle system though that was all going to lose right I mean the Germans they probably don’t know what on Earth is going on but I do it’s called Victory this is what victory looks like Boys okay okay and then you hold here don’t worry Boys Don’t You Worry we’ve got this the luxemburgish is holding Belgium oh my God and we can stage a Full Assault from here oh they’ve got no chance it’s all over Germany okay okay we only are good in small battles

    By the looks of things get strategic bomber too that’s hot that’s hot okay we got one Str perfect for the nuclear bomb right we don’t even have jet engines yet um yeah see we just win every battle easy I mean like we’ve only costed 2,000 lives for this whole system and it means

    It keeps back so many Germans from killing anyone else yeah it’s it’s a perfect system actually perfect Right oh my God I actually can’t believe we’ve hit this point where we can actually hold back German forces I didn’t I didn’t actually think we’d hit this point and we’re almost going to have a state that we don’t have to protect every province of oh my God here it

    Is ah yes the taste of Victory the absolute heralding that this is and it also saves immediately it’s like this is the most climatic bit of this war that we’ve ever seen Luxembourg has taken provinces Oh my Jesus and unleash hell on bitburg a true

    Land oh my God we we’ve almost made the circle of Luxembourg it’s Le strengthening its grip really damn bro I didn’t realize but yeah now we have a sent of problem meaning that none of our men actually die from retreating oh my God oh my Jesus we have it we have the

    Luxembourg Circle we did it we did the thing oh my God how much War we have 14% of the end of world war III’s War score this is ridiculous I mean like we you can’t take us down now yippi I know finally finally war and torture might be

    Things of the past for we are able to rescue the people right we are going to make a new force uh we’re literally going to call it literally paper [Applause] weight right you might ask what’s the point of the paper weights um it’s just just to say that we have a force there

    Cuz then you know we have something that protects you know the artillery here cuz otherwise there’s just nothing that does it and I just feel like that’s a problem cuz they will keep retreating I mean like that is going to happen like it it is destined to happen every time but

    Like the Germans are there like wait a second wait wait a second luxemburg’s game territory that’s impossible we we hold the province in the center the Nazis are unable to take we almost own all of the Belgian land late of one state that’s really good ah yes the paper weight divisions I love

    Them literally just paper weight okay and the bombing should slow them down okay uh we’re going to start infiltrating the Army now as just one of the biggest things we’re going to do the issue is if we take more States we just run out of men to support them

    Which is just a bit sad cuz everything that surrounds it is there there so we have to have to take there and there at the same time which probably is possible you know but then we have to protect there as well and that’s that’s the reason why we have paper weights now

    Paper weight divisions they’re bloody marvelous these guys are going to train so fast these guys are so cute okay every two weeks we get can get another paperweight division meaning we can expand slightly as soon as like our South isn’t concerned I am literally just spreading across Germany as fast as

    Pass I think we need like 20,000 yeah 20,000 men of paper weights to even you know start seeing games properly and then we’ve also got to think about you know reserves and all that oh my God we actually have land um do we have anything new no we don’t cuz

    You need I think it’s leash yeah it’s leash I mean how bad is yeah we’re not taking leash we just aren’t taking leash our shiny divisions are good but they’re not that good yeah right what I’m thinking is in Luxemburg we make a few paper wits which is going

    To be amazing and then from there okay so we’re going to place a paper weight here real quick um and what is literally there um if I’ve not already tired you with the explanation um this paper weight is literally here to be there that is it that is all it’s

    Useful for so whilst this attack’s happening there’s something protecting the rear end you know literally they’re not going to be any good they’re literally going to do nothing oh God oh God no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh wait they join the Allies

    Okay [ __ ] it that’s good I don’t care long as they’re helping us cuz the issue is we also have to care about the Mao yeah we’re not winning that the issue is we have attrition every time we try to walk so we just can’t okay commence commence it right this is going

    To be fine and then Germany’s army should be just like car paperweight divisions but for the whole Army and World War II should be victorious technically if Starling bag can stay I I’m really hoping this is true that um it follows by actual history because um it’s not looking promising

    Yeah to be fair they are stopped though which is good and you know a lot of their forces are focused on me instead of anywhere else which is good I like that cuz that means that you know a lot of these places are able to get away with

    Things okay where’s paper weight 2 paper weight 2 is here why is paper weight 2 there I want paper weight 2 here so M can be taken so yeah could you pop three divisions here brilliant brilliant always a Vibe and then M hopefully attention gets drawn okay I think they’ve reinforced a

    Bit too heavily actually we can’t quite pop them Y in San San I think it’s possible but we just have to get lucky for it basically yeah we’re lucky for it we’re fine because the Germans aren’t getting Supply because of us they’re probably rather mad actually cuz they’re bad okay yeah just start

    Bombing actual Germany see how they like it One Wing for Rocket Heering okay and that is where we stand on that policy though and then we’ll help take this part between the two no cuz that’s bordering Mets see that’s the issue this is why the paper weights

    Exist literally they’re made not to be any good they’re made to die oh yeah no we make paper weight not public Force public force is for the actual Red Army the the true the true people who are going to help this land I love it how we’re just out a

    Cruel’s pace of just increasing we we’re going to do this I believe I believe that we can just take on the Nazis just how many are killed by us Rosa Luxenberg 1.4 mil yeah and the fact that we’re taking just straight up men away from them every time that we get near

    Something and when we get the nuclear bomb oh oh that’s going to be sad for them and uh extra time’s being taken out so that’s fine rest for the bomb yeah we’re fine I’m kind of hoping to take an actual City like leash cuz that means we actually have things okay take out

    Muses by themselves should work by themselves by themselves Master stre willful yeah sure all right there we are they’re on that Merry way with with double support oh my God yeah so basically this arm is made to fight together and defend it is literally collaboration collaboration the army look collaboration the Army is

    Working okay cuz that means it just takes more Nazis away from what they’re supposed to be doing being taking out actual places not just Luxembourg cuz I mean I can I can keep making paper weights I mean most of my military isn’t a real military it is just fake they’re just not

    Non-existent I mean one division can take out like keep off the entire Nazi Force they do not want to fight any part of my military especially the parts like Luxembourg is just an ironclad defense right now and the paper weights make it so cuz now we could take here and paper weight

    There so I’m going to shift one paper weight here and let let the paper weight actually get used to being there you know let entrench let it do all of that and yeah when it entrenches uh the paper weight is going to be really effective I mean it’s going

    To be better than the Nazi forces cuz it’s made to do so I mean they just don’t know really what’s going on I’m going to have to admit I’m I’m glad they don’t know H and they don’t want to attack the province oh well well uh uh take back that attack

    Please sooner the better sooner the better right uh what’s going wrong okay my streaks will fall that won’t be too nice I think we’ve expanded a bit far yeah they’ve realized there’s paper weights my bad uh fool this Way okay I mean I I think we did as far as we probably can right we’re going to please sa that’s not a yeah that’s not a p wait that’s fine hold them there right and we should be fine again this will be fine too close to Sun

    Eh nah I don’t know what you’re talking about okay and then that no don’t you dare even attack right bitberg has been liberated reverse liberation of bit buug it’s been sad and now they just can’t launch an attack again they probably want to launch against Luxembourg the actual instigator of

    This that was really sad to see but we haven’t flown too close to the Sun yet because we we have enough non Vaper weight so we just basically didn’t have enough Force but we didn’t lose anyone I don’t think did we uh we lost a few paper wits which honestly I’m fine

    With as long as we didn’t lose any Mainline Force we’re fine oh wait do we get anything for S down cuz if we do we’ll keep it no it’s just it’s just War school yeah if this starts going sideways we’ll move them it’s starting to go sideways let’s move

    Them what the hell so someone flown into luxenburg or some [ __ ] okay there we are okay the Nazis have had enough of us but um now time time to show the real force of our army the absolute Beast that we Are see we haven’t flown too close to the Sun yet no one wants to support us at the moment we are all alone Luxembourg on there Lonesome as always but I mean see Nazis out their full force can’t take us out I wonder why see and we’re close to the atomic bomb being

    Made I guess I guess we win the race and uh that caused a large enough distraction of their forces that Russia is pushing yay look at that look at that we did it we are that cool and that hot and they’ll keep wasting their Manpow Okay and now everyone pops back to Luxembourg actually the fact that they can hold with that many men I think gives some slight hook to this situation here as long as there’s not a yeah all of our paper weights died basically bit sad I really was getting attached to those paper

    WS GS nothing to take the province that’s the thing actually weakens our position to do so all right well I think we can call this a victory today because I have literally been streaming for 4 hours and it is clear how this is going Russia

    It’s going back and I think I’ll call it a day so I’m yeah I’m having I think 1945 we have happen the same as per regular history as you can see it all collapsing you can see every aspect slowly collapse and the fact that we were even able to push as ensy Tiny

    Luxembourg shows the Germans might be at the end of their tether just a smidge see the paperweight divisions weren’t enough but give it enough time we would be able to hold even more and Y that probably scares them I think this this is a good

    End a good time to press the button and a good time to say we did not fly too close to the Sun as we are not of course and look at that free French Land look at that ah isn’t that just beautiful in a Wednesday morning ah yes

    It might not be Wednesday and it might not be a morning but you get the gist I mean the Nazis just probably just put us as a number one target to kill at one point I mean clearly we were a threat now we go back for air superiority as uh

    Bombing is off the cards for them and you will see that we’re still winning significantly yep yep we are sucks to be them and yeah I I think that’s it I don’t think there’s actually much more I can do cuz I could make more paper weights and with enough of them we would

    Be able to do it but I just think that’s just a waste of time so I’m scrapping them and I’m saying have a good day and I’ll see you some other time I think that was a good 4our spent so see you


    1. Tried this once, too. Sadly the Allies were so freaking slow and innefficient in conquering Germany that the game went on and on and on until Germany broke me with an A-Bomb. Never played one of the Lowlands ever again.

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