Hi All, hoping to create a fun grocery getter here.
I have a 2006 Specialized P1 single speed that I would like to covert to geared. This is a new one for me – how does it work? Is it possible?
I assume I’ll need a rear cassette, derailer and hanger, shifter, and cable. But how do you know which ones? Any and all help would be appreciated!
Rear wheel is 24” with horizontal dropouts (see picture). Thank you!
by redwingssoccer
Where are you going to install the derailleur? You should just get a different bike or frame.
So if you wanna go with derailleur shifting, your frame needs a derailleur hanger which is not present. An alternative would be either a derailleur with its own hanger, but those are usually the cheap and shitty ones (like Shimano Tourney).
Consider going for a gear hub in this case. Shimano Alfine is lighter than Nexus 😉
Measure the drop outs. 135mm is pretty standard for single speeds. Then and internal gear hubs probably the best bet. You’ll need to run cables and either find a wheel built up that fits or buy a hub and spokes and re thread your rear one.