What a way to spend a bank holiday weekend!!! genuinely enjoyed the whole trip, next time we have to get the nutrition right, I hope this inspires you to get out on your bike this weekend (the weather is set to be nice!) thanks for watching!!

    Coaching: https://www.kinematiccoaching.co.uk

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trikaggie/

    Music: Stay by Oliver Tray

    / olivertray
    Support by RFM – NCM: https://bit.ly/2xGHypM

    hi my name is George I’m not actually introduced The V yet but you can introduce yourself if you want three interesting facts about me are I love cycling um I’ve only got one ball and that’s about it you only got three interesting two inter things and then Gregory who we see all the time hello and we’re actually in Preston and we’re on the way to Edinburgh train station we’ve come from more to Banky we’re getting the train to Edinburgh and then we’re cycling back and we’re bringing you along so we’re just putting the bikes in here which is proving more difficult than uh we thought so I had to put these on and then this is these to trying to figure out how to put them on got some snacks for the journey and yeah I’m a bit cold already so that’s not good we’re going to take a seat chill out get some pizza or something in Adra and then leave at 4:00 in the [Music] morning down don’t be afraid [Music] down Tre on we have made it to Ed uh we’re in the coziest little room so I’ll give you a little room tour we got me and Greg’s here Georgie up here and that’s it kind of like a fery so there’s not much room but we’ve been out for pizza we are just getting into bed and it’s Quast 8 and we are getting up at qu buery to leave for 4 and goodness knows how long it’s going to take over 20 hours do we think something like that I reckon so reck so I reckon that’s uh optimistic optimistic yeah well it’s not a race is it it’s not a race no I’m I’m in a it’s an enjoyable day out 100 me yeah so having an early night now we’ve bought some Yer some orange juice and they do coffee downstairs for in the morning and then we’ll just set off and hope the uh weather gods are on our side I can just imagine the faces he’s falling there is he not right it’s cool bed time B time and we’re off just set up and it’s just gone 4:00 I’m just ready on this on my phone cuz gr’s got my GoPro cuz he’s better at handling it than me so yeah here it goes the journey starts just coming out of edima I am George this is my first Mile Hi I’m K and this is my first mile wow very jelly hi I’m Greg and this is our first mile wo just and just Canal 10 miles 10 miles 50 minutes have brunch oats raisin bar baing around so 24 hours l Jordan just tell me how you be feeling revived George from the Shivering um all right yeah it’s just gone just gone 8:00 hope we done so far 37 stream quite hilly though isn’t it yeah so it’s um yeah it’s very cold we’re 50 miles in Kate’s on a third mechanical yeah but still jelly I need food [Laughter] okay girl I don’t that’s the problem [Music] [Music] oh oh I’m actually you guys [Music] oh right tell me how you feeling we’re 70 mil in 6 and 1/ half hours George I’ve been better oh that bad I was I was rough at I feel like yeah I was rougher at this like yeah I don’t know a big it’s cuz you keep cycling pass out that’ll do it downhill yeah I just need a bit of food ande yeah I feel better already already just smelling it g you’re feeling all right viam about three Nature Valley bars two serenes Quon for bread we get two pieces of toast can of Coke two Cy Branch Fri and I’m drinking 100 g of sugar with electrolytes in fueling we are fueling this R and sometimes you just need water though so yeah it’s going good going good give us a w [Music] right the green it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be it’s literally just a fill building feeling good I’ve been spraying deep heat on my knees and my back so they feel good do have a bit of a cold coming I’ve had that for a few days but um yeah it’s going well for me I’m struggling less than the boys are it’s like the hair and the torto no yeah you’re the hairs and I’m the we’re at the green famous blacksmith shop Greg just asked me to marry him and gret agree him but I said no he’s not the man [Applause] congratulations so now we’re just trying to go down this main road down there but the road’s all closed and the only way around is three miles so we’ve just come into this Farm to say like do have a foot path we can go across cuz we’re 105 miles in I’m feeling a bit sick I’ll be honest with you I need like some proper food George is just gone to ask whether we can go through the farmers field but yeah I am feeling a little like I could do it like a Subway sandwich or something the next stop is penth Greg D’s meeting us there and we will take restock as to whether we stay over in penth or we carry on into the evening but anyone’s guess is right now wow my freckles have really come out haven’t they BL I put Sun cream on as well I’m doing I’m Vlogging as well Dave I’ve got good news for you all so Greg’s dad’s just come and he’s giving us some Quest we’re still say hello hello we’re heading to penr still we’re still undecided as to whether to stop there and get the train back or stay overnight and come home tomorrow but I mean either way it’s my longest ride so far I’ve only ever done 112 miles before and we’re at 140 so it’s a good day the problem is when I eatting properly it’s like just snacks so um you keep going through like waves are feeling all right when you’ve just eaten something but Lally half an hour later you don’t feel great again because you’re not having a proper meal this is the homia is now out in full force um the orange eye freckles are also out um yeah we’re in pen I’m just going to get some chips with mushy peas salt and vinegar and try and get some water and this will be the first proper meal of the day so I have had just so much sh um squares a boast bar just other just rubbish and I just feel like I need a proper meal because all the time like if a bar is say like 200 calories like it’s only lasting like 20 minutes or half an hour so like I’m hoping like a big meal might feel a bit heavy for us but it’s going to sort us out and we’ve changed the route a little bit so we’re now actually it’s a little bit shorter we’re going down the A6 which should hopefully shorted it and then we can get home so I think the plan is to stick with it at a minute um much of Georges to test I think Dad also said that he could come save us if required which is fantastic but luckily at the moment 2: a.m. ETA [Music] time leg warmers on top of shorts because the chief is very very real Shake sh name is Greg and this is my 136th mile it’s been a bit of a dilemma hi my name it’s also my 136 mile 3 hours ago I was going to uh get B&B in pen and here we are kagi I’m only at 100 P fuing Jade George a explicit I feel okay woo we’re going to make it home feeling good good 58th mile Sun’s going down behind us walk could Dr Flor we just come through Lancaster and these two in front of me are very very grumpy so I’m keeping my distance 180th mile still quite a few more to go in the dark how you feeling Cate I’m feeling good it’s more like I don’t think it’s like your legs or my brain it’s more like my stomach seems to be limited yeah that’s uh one of the key things of an ultra event first ever one woo tell them where we’re up to please 196 miles in about 25 26 P yeah and it’s midnight it’s midnight oh well yeah plan to be home by two I mean it’s 22 hours no 23 hours since we starting to recognize roads nearly on Char new road which me the Iron Man course which means we’re not far from home it’s 10 to1 in the morning and we’ just made it into our village going near me Mom and Dad soon my name is George this is my 29.7 mile I’m and I feel a lot blood better than I did for a lot of the ride yeah and I’m looking forward to getting in bed me too Gregs it’s 2:00 in the morning is that’s a long day yes T to hour yeah but we did it D conr been of thech oh my God stop it’s now Wednesday evening and it’s been 2 days since we finished our own a we’ve actually just been for a ride now are back on the bikes I am feeling fine like legs wise fine my throat feels a bit croaky I think it’s like all the fresh air when I was riding it’s like a little bit of hay fever so we got back at 2:00 in the morning on Monday obviously like went to sleep woke up at about 9:00 or something and I did feel like quite hung over all day on Monday I think it was just like fatigue and like just having not really did anything that was decent on Sunday and then yeah by Tuesday I had like a good sleep woke up at probably like just got 9: the benefit of working from home then we went for a run yesterday which was Tuesday just like 20 minutes went for a swim and then today been on back on the bike cuz the weather was too good not too the learning curves I think definitely one thing all three of us said was the food and the nutrition we should have maybe thought about more maybe stopped more for like proper food and not like big meals but you know like an a sandwich with a packet of Chris or something as opposed to just relying on chis and chocolate and things because the thing I struggled with the most was my stomach as opposed to like wasn’t physical as in my legs and it wasn’t my brain it was like when I was feeling under fueled I would start to feel sick so then I didn’t want to fuel because I felt sick so I didn’t want to eat and it was like this vicious cycle um and then you know we were going into the night on Sunday nowhere was really open then we were just relying on like salt and get crisp and like chocolate couple hours so we really should have like thought about that and maybe like got some bread or sandwiches or you know just something that would have been a little bit different so that would be like one learning curve and if you were to do something like this that would be like my main piece of advice my other piece of advice is like I managed to stay quite positive the whole 22 hours or 16 hours of riding and I think that was because like I just accepted we were going to be riding for a long time like so it didn’t matter what time of day it was cuz I was like oh we’re riding for a long time I knew it was going to go dark again I never had any concept of time I really didn’t have much concept of distance other than when the boy said it or how long we had to go so I wasn’t like clock watching on my Garmin screen I just had the maps up so I never even had up how far we’d ridden what time we’ done whereas the boys sometimes were like oh was you know 50 miles in or oh we’re over 100 miles and it was like they were doing the calculations all the time which I don’t think would have worked well for me so that’s kind of how I stayed quite positive I feel like anyone could do this like so many people have commented on my stra and Instagram like oh my God that’s amazing and oh W that’s really impressive YY y but it’s not that like obviously is impressive I’m not saying it’s not impressive but I think if you’ve got a baseline Fitness like anyone genuinely could do it and I don’t like being that person that’s like anyone could do it when they couldn’t necessarily but I genuinely think if you’re into sports then you would be able to do it and you know for contents before this ride I wasn’t doing anything massive mileage cycling wise like I was doing what between 5050 and 100 miles a week if that some weeks and cuz the focus has obviously been running so you don’t need to have been like practicing massive long rides my longest ride before this was the Iron Man in July 2023 which was 112 miles and this was obviously 220 so it was a lot more your legs just kind of get to that stage you’re not riding H you you’re just turning them over it’s not like doing like maybe like an ultramarathon or a run or something I feel like you can just cycle for a long time so if anything it’s just more resilience mentally that you need so I think most people could do it we obviously did this ourselves as like a route but there are lots of hord axes that you can do and they have like um check-in stops where you have to like check in to say that you’ve been to the stops and things um so George who we were riding with he’s doing a 600 kilomet aact over the summer I believe uh I will not be joining him on that but I wish him the best of luck it hasn’t put me off riding it’s actually probably made me feel more wanting to ride and in the future like uh like even today the nice weather I was like I want to get out my bike it’s definitely not put me off riding forever it’s not put me off long rides either timer I’d like to do another long ride I think Greg suggested getting the train to land on now and coming back which would be a doal that’s only 90 mil in comparison to what we did probably wouldn’t push more than 220 mil in one day because as you saw we only had 2 hours of the day which we didn’t use so I think anything Mor could probably tip you over the edge and you would need to sleep if it has inspired you to go and do a long ride then that is fantastic if it’s put you off a long ride forever then I do apologize if you could like And subscribe to my channel I would be very grateful and I will see you all very very soon

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