I’ve been biking for a couple years now and I’ve here had this problem and thought Maybe sumbody else has just today I got brand new forks and a stem and the stem would not go on and if you been riding long enough you may know ow the penny trick so I continued to put a single penny and the crease of the stem and it still was not wide enough so I went and got sum all purpose grease and threw sum on and was still having a problem so I took them to my local bmx shop and had asked them maybe they could figure it out and I also asked if they where the right size I usually buy my parts from there, but they didn’t have any and stuff and they told me it was the correct size for the 10 fork they gave it a try and still couldn’t get the stem on the fork so at this point I’m ready to take a hammer and sledge to this thing and I try to see if I could put one more penny is there before I lose my mind and it slips right on and I’m sitting here like thank god but here my problem with everything nice and snug and tight as could be this stem want to move away from the fork so I’m slowly losing my mind about this bike could anyone help me out

    by No-Significance4164

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