I have a Transition Vanquish hardtail that I'd like to set up for bikepacking, but would like to spend as little as possible on speciality gear to see if I like it.

    I live in Northern California and thinking I'll just do easy overnights in the summer to start so won't need to bring winter/rain gear.

    From my research it seems like getting a rear rack of some kind would allow me to use my dropper post. The racks from Old Man Mountain seem solid and their fit kits would work with my thru axle (no eyelets) bike.

    Though I'm wondering if there's a cheaper option that's compatible with my bike?

    A small (not custom) frame bag seems like a good idea and top tube bag. Some folks suggested LesenokBag for affordable, well built bags.

    I'm thinking dry bag on rack which includes quilt, pad, camp clothes, etc.

    Tent/tarp in dry bag voile strappe'd to handlebars along with tent poles. Food in frame bag, tools in top tube bag.

    Does this setup make sense or would anyone have any alternative suggestions? I have all the necessary gear from backpacking, but just need help choosing some budget friendly ways to carry it.


    by dying_house_plant

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