1. point-virgule on

    Brompton just isn’t what it used to be, once the founder stepped down and distanced itself from the company

  2. Looks overfilled to me. Roll tops usually roll 2 or three times to seal the bag properly like ortleib panniers. That looks like it’s got too much in to allow any roll at the top of the bag.

    No idea what the solution could be but perhaps there’s a different bag with more volume capacity or you could split the contents between that bag and another bag perhaps a rack top bag if you have a rack or rucksack.

  3. BTW is that a large Borough or a medium? If medium then a large might fit your load better and you can sell on the medium.

  4. Also perhaps bungee cords might be a cheap option when carrying awkward contents. If there’s nothing that can bounce out and it’s dry you could leave it open and use bungees to hold the big item down inside the open bag. Lot of ifs though.

    If wet then you can buy rucksack covers in various sizes that could cover the top and around the bag leaving the back open where it’s probably less an issue getting wet.

  5. I have the same bag and they made quite a few weird design decisions. I’ve also found the top strap to be a bit too short. I like the back pockets, but the button closure is useless. You need two hands to close a button, and on a bike you almost never have more than one hand free. I wish they’d used an elastic closure instead.

    I wish they’d gone with a brighter interior color as well. The waterproof version of the same bag has an orange interior, why they couldn’t do that with this one i’m not sure.

    I still use the bag every day, but hope they make some different choices if they make a new version. Or maybe I just need to start making my own bags!

  6. one of the reason why i dont want to work ever in Post Sales Customer Service.

    People buy smol bag and expect to fit in big stuff.. sigh

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